on Data Science\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We deliver end-to-end Artificial Intelligence projects, covering the entire model lifecycle, from data acquisition and analysis to deployment and monitoring of the model in production. In our work, we combine the best practices from two worlds: the dynamic commercial sector and the rigorous academic standards. This allows us to provide solutions that not only meet business expectations but are also grounded in scientific methods.\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsLong\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"About us\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are the team of experts with the passion for the entire IT and Ml industry. In our work we use modern technologies and nontrivial solutions. We advise companies from around the world, develop the software they work with and make them do it better. We do not sit idle, we are constantly acting and openning up for the innovation. We make a close-knit team and we want you to become one of us.\"])}\n },\n \"OurSectors\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The sectors in which we operate\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are a team of experts specializing in Machine Learning solutions. We implement an end-to-end approach covering the full lifecycle of a Data Science project: from data collection, through processing, analysis, and modeling, to deployment and results monitoring. We use the latest technologies to deliver high-quality products to our clients. We provide consulting services to companies worldwide: we are dynamic and open to innovation.\"])},\n \"sector1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Implementing AI models in organizations.\"])},\n \"sector1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We integrate advanced AI models into organizational processes, helping companies fully leverage the potential of artificial intelligence. Our services include customizing models to meet specific business needs, training teams, and providing ongoing support for monitoring and optimization. In our view, effective AI implementation must take into account people, processes, and technology.\"])},\n \"sector2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Modeling\"])},\n \"sector2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We possess expertise in mathematical optimization, simulation, and predictive modeling, which are utilized by our clients in their business operations. Depending on the client's needs, we deliver tailor-made artificial intelligence solutions that support organizational planning processes (e.g., logistics optimization, What-if simulation scenarios, or demand forecasting for the retail sector).\"])},\n \"sector3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data Analysis\"])},\n \"sector3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We collect, process, and analyze data using algorithms, statistical tools, and Machine Learning techniques. Our approach includes data exploration, pattern identification, and creating predictive models that provide insights and recommendations to our clients. We support our clients in the transition from: data through accuracy to decision. We often transform raw production data into useful information that supports decision-making processes at every level of organizational operations.\"])},\n \"sector4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data Quality\"])},\n \"sector4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projects in data quality maintenance focus on comprehensive processing and analysis of information, enabling our clients to concentrate on the most important aspects of their operations. We apply techniques such as data validation, cleansing, and enrichment to ensure data integrity and reliability. Through this work, our clients can rely on consistent, complete, and trustworthy data used in day-to-day management and strategic planning.\"])}\n },\n \"OurProjects\": {\n \"reference\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"References\"])},\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Our projects\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We turn experience into success of our clients.\"])},\n \"number1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"27\"])},\n \"number1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"client projects\"])},\n \"number2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"6\"])},\n \"number2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"research projects\"])},\n \"number3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"30\"])},\n \"number3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"mln budget\"])},\n \"crypto_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"crypto_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 is a tool for analyzing your profits and loses. It allows you to track the activity of largest accounts as well as view a wide range of statistics.\"])},\n \"crypto_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Read more\"])},\n \"project1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Development of a trend and prediction algorithm\"])},\n \"project1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A project related to developing software that uses algorithms for real estate valuation. As part of the project, algorithms for market trends and property price forecasting as a form of collateral (e.g., mortgage) were developed. The modeling work was conducted in Java, using Spring Data to create object-relational mapping.\"])},\n \"project2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Development of a credit scoring model\"])},\n \"project2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The project involved developing a credit scoring model for customers used by banks. As part of the project, we analyzed the predictive power of explanatory variables, along with the identification of anomalies in the data (e.g., issues of collinearity, nonlinearity, or interactions between variables). The developed model underwent an independent review before production implementation following the W KNF's Recommendation.\"])},\n \"project3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Pest and mold incidence prediction model\"])},\n \"project3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"This project consisted of the implementation of a prediction model, which included a detailed analysis of the subject, the definition of a mathematical model used for multi-class classification and the implementation of the algorithm in Python.\"])},\n \"project4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migration of the credit scoring model\"])},\n \"project4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"As part of the work, we developed an information system that allows the compilation of credit scoring algorithms developed in SAS into the PMML format standard. This standard enables integration with solutions created in other technologies, such as Python, R, or Julia. The processes of data transformation, model estimation, and forecasting were subject to compilation and transfer between standards.\"])},\n \"project5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Consulting for the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland in the field of quantitative synthesis of statistical information\"])},\n \"project5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The project carried out for the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland included the provision of consulting services in the field of quantitative synthesis of statistical information, as well as conceptual and substantive support. The consulting covered the area of the Health Needs Map – Systemic and Implementation Analysis Database.\"])},\n \"project6_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Model of long-term demand for the high-methane network gas\"])},\n \"project6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"During the execution of the project, we identified the main determinants affecting gas demand. We developed a methodology for long-term demand forecasting and based on this, we developed a system that was implemented in R. We concluded the project by delivering a detailed forecast that utilizes the prepared system, baseline parameter values, and quantitative data.\"])},\n \"project7_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Expert support in building a team and increasing competence in the area of predictive models (Data Analytics)\"])},\n \"project7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"In the project, we focused on defining the profiles of key team members and the software necessary for data management and building predictive models. Based on these, we were able to determine development scenarios, create an implementation plan, and propose an appropriate timeline for the work being conducted.\"])},\n \"project8_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A range of R&D projects and grants\"])},\n \"project8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Members of our team participated in many processes for acquiring and executing research projects funded by public sources. These projects included topics in operations research (i.e., simulation, optimization, forecasting) using modern machine learning methods in decision-making processes. The total budget of the projects in which we supported our clients exceeds 100 million PLN.\"])},\n \"project9_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-learning modules on the Moodle platform\"])},\n \"project9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The project aimed to create an e-learning environment and integrate thematic modules. Our team was responsible for deploying the Moodle platform onto the server and customizing it to meet the client's needs. We designed thematic boards and created original graphics, and interactive h5p applications that complemented the content developed by our expert. Subsequently, we integrated the modules into the platform and conducted training sessions to enable employees to navigate the platform independently.\"])},\n \"project10_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Development of a system supporting the monitoring of the course and early detection of relapses in affective disorders based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms\"])},\n \"project10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Our experts provided the client with specialized support in Machine Learning. They developed methods and algorithms used for monitoring the course and detecting relapses of bipolar affective disorders. They identified the main factors based on which it was possible to observe the progression and detection of the disease. Based on the accumulated knowledge and data, they developed a decision metamodel that controls the population profile model associated with each patient. They also provided support in evaluating the system's performance and in the production deployment.\"])},\n \"project_expand\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Click for details\"])}\n },\n \"OurTechnologies\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Battlefield Simulation Models\"])},\n \"languages_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programing languages\"])},\n \"languages_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"as well as 
C, C#, LaTeX, JS, PHP, C++, Matlab, R, Kotlin, Julia, Fortran, CSS, HTML\"])},\n \"db_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Databases\"])},\n \"db_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"as well as 
PostgreSQL, H2, mySQL, Microsoft SQL Server\"])},\n \"frameworks_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Frameworks\"])},\n \"frameworks_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"as well as 
Spring MVC, Spring Data, Jakarta EE, Junit 5, Django, Selenium, Cypres, Vue.js\"])},\n \"data_processing\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data Processing\"])},\n \"visualizations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Visualizations\"])},\n \"forecast\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Forecast\"])},\n \"simulations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Simulations\"])},\n \"optimization\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Optimization\"])},\n \"sql\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"SQL\"])},\n \"r\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R\"])},\n \"r_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R - dashboards\"])},\n \"python\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python\"])},\n \"python_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python - dashboards\"])},\n \"lib_machine_learning\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Machine learning libraries\"])},\n \"sym_monte_carlo\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Monte Carlo simulations\"])},\n \"sym_multi-agent\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Multi-agent simulations\"])},\n \"prog_linear_int\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Linear programming and integer programming\"])},\n \"opt_engines\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Optimization engines\"])},\n \"partnership\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Strategic partnership\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Scensei\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are a strategic partner of the Swiss company Scensei GmbH, which operates in the defence software market. Together with Scensei, we are developing the OPTIMA product, which enables the analysis of generative scenarios for defensive operations through multi-agent simulations based on artificial intelligence models. These simulations allow for the analysis of interactions between ground, air, and defence and electronic warfare systems, making decisions within a command and control network.\"])},\n \"partnership_new_scensei_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"For many years, together with the Swiss company Scensei, we have been providing advanced software to support governments in making strategic decisions in the field of national defense. Our flagship solution, OPTIMA, is used to generate defense operation scenarios through multi-agent simulations based on AI models. We enable comprehensive analysis of interactions between land, air, and electronic warfare and defense systems, supporting key decision-making within the command and control network.\"])},\n \"partnership_new_scensei_under\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"OPTIMA is a trusted tool for over 40 government clients in Europe and beyond.\"])}\n },\n \"OurTeam\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Team\"])},\n \"experts\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Expert Team\"])},\n \"operationals\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Operational Team\"])},\n \"worker0\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Daniel Kaszyński\"])},\n \"worker0_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"General Director\"])},\n \"worker0_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Consultant in the area of analytical models with ten years of experience. He has supported the world's largest banks in the implementation of algorithms and risk management models. Daniel has been teaching analytical methods at SGH for many years.\"])},\n \"worker1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit Jakuczun\"])},\n \"worker1_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Board Advisor\"])},\n \"worker1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit advises data science teams at the management layer. He specializes in combining operations research (constraint programming, mixed integer programming, and metaheuristics) with predictive models to deliver decision-support solutions.\"])},\n \"worker2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej Fender\"])},\n \"worker2_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Multi-agent simulations Cloud technologies\"])},\n \"worker2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej is a back-end developer specializing in multi-agent simulations. In business, he focuses on designing, creating, optimizing, and implementing software. Additionally, Maciej is interested in cloud solutions and administration.\"])},\n \"worker3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Dmitruk\"])},\n \"worker3_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Multi-agent simulations Back-end development\"])},\n \"worker3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Java developer with experience in the development of both web applications and multi-agent simulations. In his work, he pays special attention to the quality of the code and ensures that it is optimized.\"])},\n \"worker4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Pieciul\"])},\n \"worker4_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis Team management\"])},\n \"worker4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A business analyst with experience in migrating data from a large IT system, and an enthusiast of IoT solutions and logic puzzles. Dawid, with his conceptual approach, can find optimal solutions to various problems.\"])},\n \"worker5\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Urszula Białończyk\"])},\n \"worker5_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis Machine learning\"])},\n \"worker5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The analyst specializing in big data analysis and predictive modelling. In her career, she has worked on issues related to medicine, transportation and banking. PhD candidate at the PAN working on medical database modelling.\"])},\n \"worker6\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Agnieszka Rabiej\"])},\n \"worker6_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis Machine learning\"])},\n \"worker6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A business analyst collaborating with companies in the energy, media, and FMCG sectors. She specializes in comprehensive data analysis and modelling, utilizing ML and AI to support business processes.\"])},\n \"worker7\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jakub Kot\"])},\n \"worker7_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis Graphic design\"])},\n \"worker7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A practitioner in the e-commerce industry, he has spent years working extensively on the modernization of sales processes from the perspective of a commercial client. On the workshop side, Kuba is also a graphic designer, experienced in the field of creating usable materials, UX and UI design.\"])},\n \"worker8\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Kamil Kulesza\"])},\n \"worker8_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis Machine learning\"])},\n \"worker8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A data analyst specializing in information processing, building analytical models, and automating processes. He is interested in practical applications of statistics and machine learning.\"])},\n \"worker9\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Ewelina Kędzior\"])},\n \"worker9_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis Machine learning\"])},\n \"worker9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A programmer in Python and C#. She specializes in comprehensive data analysis and modelling. Ewelina is also a data analyst with an interest in the development of optimization algorithms.\"])},\n \"worker10\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej Busłowski\"])},\n \"worker10_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data migration Back-end development\"])},\n \"worker10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej is a front-end developer with extensive experience as a database programmer for a large IT system and as a business analyst. He has also led a small development team. His versatile technical and analytical skills enable him to create intuitive and efficient front-end solutions.\"])},\n \"worker11\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Krzysztof Funkowski\"])},\n \"worker11_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data migration Back-end development\"])},\n \"worker11_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A Full-Stack developer and database programmer with extensive experience as a database developer for a large IT system. Krzysztof also has experience in creating web applications.\"])},\n \"worker12\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena Święcka\"])},\n \"worker12_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data migration Back-end development\"])},\n \"worker12_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena is a Data Governance specialist with extensive experience as a database programmer for a large IT system and as a business analyst. She also has experience in front-end programming. In her applications, Milena focuses on the quality of the software being developed.\"])},\n \"worker13\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan Ulianowski\"])},\n \"worker13_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Front-end development Back-end development\"])},\n \"worker13_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan is involved in the process of software development and implementation. He gained experience in creating optimization solutions for banking clients. He is interested in IoT-related topics.\"])},\n \"worker14\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Łukasz Terpiłowski\"])},\n \"worker14_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development Front-end development\"])},\n \"worker14_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A Full-Stack developer with experience in React, JavaScript, Java, and Python. Łukasz has worked on adapting a large language model (LLM) for specific applications.\"])},\n \"worker15\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr Romaniuk\"])},\n \"worker15_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development Machine learning\"])},\n \"worker15_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr has experience in multiple programming languages (Java, Python, C#, and C++). He has worked with backend technologies, machine learning, and computer game engines.\"])},\n \"worker16\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Magdalena Korecka\"])},\n \"worker16_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Graphic design Front-end development\"])},\n \"worker16_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A graphic designer and front-end developer. She has experience in creating websites and designing business and advertising materials.\"])},\n \"worker17\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Michał Ciupa\"])},\n \"worker17_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Front-end development\"])},\n \"worker17_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A programmer with experience in TypeScript, JavaScript, and MongoDB. Michał has been involved in developing web applications.\"])}\n },\n \"ContactUs\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Contact us!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Do you need help in development of your business? Are you looking for interesting ventures? Would you like to get to know us better? Contact us!\"])},\n \"company_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Head office:\"])},\n \"company_headline_mail\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-mail:\"])},\n \"company_address\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"ul. Żurawia 71
15-540 Bialystok
Poland\"])},\n \"company_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Phone:\"])},\n \"company_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-mail:\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your e-mail...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your contact number...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter the subject of the message...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your message...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Send\"])},\n \"recruitment_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Do you want to join us?\"])},\n \"recruitment_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are actively recruiting.\"])},\n \"recruitment_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Recruitment offer\"])}\n },\n \"WebFooter\": {\n \"policy\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"DS360 sp. z o. o. - All rights reserved\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeRecruitment\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Join
DS360!\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeOffer\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"What do we offer?\"])},\n \"offer1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Interesting international projects (i.a. optimization, multi-agent simulations)\"])},\n \"offer2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Cooperation with scientists from the largest Polish universities\"])},\n \"offer3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Paid internship and flexible working hours\"])},\n \"offer4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opportunities to learn and grow\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeWant\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"What do we require?\"])},\n \"want1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Knowledge of Javy or Pythona\"])},\n \"want2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Interest in the Machine Learning related topics\"])},\n \"want3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Knowledge of GIT\"])},\n \"want4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Open mind and willingness to learn\"])}\n },\n \"SendCV\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Determined?\"])},\n \"desc1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Do you want to start working with us and you are interested in joint development? Fill out the form and email us or send your resume to the provided email. We will respond to you soon.\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your e-mail...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your contact number...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter the subject of your message...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your message...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Send\"])},\n \"upload\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Attach CV\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeCrypto\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 will allow you to better analyze, gether knowledge and invest in the most popular cryptocurrencies. Track the profit and loss balance of your investments. View the latest proprietary and trusted analysis of the largest portfolios.\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoScreens\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Check out how it looks!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Thanks to its clear form, CryptoDS360 allows users to easily switch between sections. It is an easy-to-use application that will come in handy for any person who cares about constant control of their cryptocurrency wallet.\"])},\n \"swipe\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Swipe to see more\"])},\n \"turn_on\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Turn on dark mode\"])},\n \"turn_off\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Turn off dark mode\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoFeatures\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Features of the application\"])},\n \"feature1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Price graphs\"])},\n \"feature1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The latest price data on selected cryptocurrencies\"])},\n \"feature2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Account transactions\"])},\n \"feature2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"List of transactions of selected accounts\"])},\n \"feature3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A chart of the day's transactions\"])},\n \"feature3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The number of transactions performed on a given day\"])},\n \"feature4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Original blockchain analysis\"])},\n \"feature4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Conversion of raw blockchain data into a transparent form\"])},\n \"feature5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Original API\"])},\n \"feature5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Our experts provide an accurate and reliable source of data\"])}\n },\n \"ErrorPage\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Press the button below to return to the home page.\"])},\n \"button\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Home page\"])}\n },\n \"Alerts\": {\n \"success_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Message sent!\"])},\n \"success_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Thank you, for your e-mail. Soon our consultant will reply to your message :)\"])},\n \"error_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"An error has occurred!\"])},\n \"error_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sorry, there was an error while sending the message.\"])},\n \"success_sendcv_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Thank you, for participating in the recruitment. Expect to hear back from you ;)\"])},\n \"bad_validation_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Invalid data!\"])},\n \"bad_validation_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Check the data entered in the form again.\"])},\n \"copy_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Adress copied!\"])},\n \"copy_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Contact e-mail was copied to your clipboard.\"])}\n },\n \"Validation\": {\n \"empty\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"This field cannot be empty!\"])},\n \"email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Incorrect e-mail format!\"])},\n \"phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The number should contain only digits!\"])}\n }\n}","export default {\n \"NavHeader\": {\n \"sectors\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sectors\"])},\n \"projects\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projects\"])},\n \"technologies\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Technologies\"])},\n \"team\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Team\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsShort\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Broader
on Data Science\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We deliver end-to-end Artificial Intelligence projects, covering the entire model lifecycle, from data acquisition and analysis to deployment and monitoring of the model in production. In our work, we combine the best practices from two worlds: the dynamic commercial sector and the rigorous academic standards. This allows us to provide solutions that not only meet business expectations but are also grounded in scientific methods.\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsLong\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"About us\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are the team of experts with the passion for the entire IT and Ml industry. In our work we use modern technologies and nontrivial solutions. We advise companies from around the world, develop the software they work with and make them do it better. We do not sit idle, we are constantly acting and openning up for the innovation. We make a close-knit team and we want you to become one of us.\"])}\n },\n \"OurSectors\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The sectors in which we operate\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are a team of experts specializing in Machine Learning solutions. We implement an end-to-end approach covering the full lifecycle of a Data Science project: from data collection, through processing, analysis, and modeling, to deployment and results monitoring. We use the latest technologies to deliver high-quality products to our clients. We provide consulting services to companies worldwide: we are dynamic and open to innovation.\"])},\n \"sector9_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data Quality\"])},\n \"sector9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projects in data quality maintenance focus on comprehensive processing and analysis of information, enabling our clients to concentrate on the most important aspects of their operations. We apply techniques such as data validation, cleansing, and enrichment to ensure data integrity and reliability. Through this work, our clients can rely on consistent, complete, and trustworthy data used in day-to-day management and strategic planning.\"])},\n \"sector10_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data Analysis\"])},\n \"sector10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We collect, process, and analyze data using algorithms, statistical tools, and Machine Learning techniques. Our approach includes data exploration, pattern identification, and creating predictive models that provide insights and recommendations to our clients. We support our clients in the transition from: data through accuracy to decision. We often transform raw production data into useful information that supports decision-making processes at every level of organizational operations.\"])},\n \"sector11_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Modeling\"])},\n \"sector11_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We possess expertise in mathematical optimization, simulation, and predictive modeling, which are utilized by our clients in their business operations. Depending on the client's needs, we deliver tailor-made artificial intelligence solutions that support organizational planning processes (e.g., logistics optimization, What-if simulation scenarios, or demand forecasting for the retail sector).\"])},\n \"sector12_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Implementing AI models in organizations.\"])},\n \"sector12_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We integrate advanced AI models into organizational processes, helping companies fully leverage the potential of artificial intelligence. Our services include customizing models to meet specific business needs, training teams, and providing ongoing support for monitoring and optimization. In our view, effective AI implementation must take into account people, processes, and technology.\"])}\n },\n \"OurProjects\": {\n \"reference\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"References\"])},\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Our projects\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We turn experience into success of our clients.\"])},\n \"number1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"27\"])},\n \"number1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"client projects\"])},\n \"number2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"6\"])},\n \"number2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"research projects\"])},\n \"number3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"30\"])},\n \"number3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"mln budget\"])},\n \"crypto_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"crypto_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 is a tool for analyzing your profits and loses. It allows you to track the activity of largest accounts as well as view a wide range of statistics.\"])},\n \"crypto_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Read more\"])},\n \"project1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Development of a trend and prediction algorithm\"])},\n \"project1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A project related to developing software that uses algorithms for real estate valuation. As part of the project, algorithms for market trends and property price forecasting as a form of collateral (e.g., mortgage) were developed. The modeling work was conducted in Java, using Spring Data to create object-relational mapping.\"])},\n \"project2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Development of a credit scoring model\"])},\n \"project2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The project involved developing a credit scoring model for customers used by banks. As part of the project, we analyzed the predictive power of explanatory variables, along with the identification of anomalies in the data (e.g., issues of collinearity, nonlinearity, or interactions between variables). The developed model underwent an independent review before production implementation following the W KNF's Recommendation.\"])},\n \"project3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Pest and mold incidence prediction model\"])},\n \"project3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"This project consisted of the implementation of a prediction model, which included a detailed analysis of the subject, the definition of a mathematical model used for multi-class classification and the implementation of the algorithm in Python.\"])},\n \"project4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migration of the credit scoring model\"])},\n \"project4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"As part of the work, we developed an information system that allows the compilation of credit scoring algorithms developed in SAS into the PMML format standard. This standard enables integration with solutions created in other technologies, such as Python, R, or Julia. The processes of data transformation, model estimation, and forecasting were subject to compilation and transfer between standards.\"])},\n \"project5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Consulting for the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland in the field of quantitative synthesis of statistical information\"])},\n \"project5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The project carried out for the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Poland included the provision of consulting services in the field of quantitative synthesis of statistical information, as well as conceptual and substantive support. The consulting covered the area of the Health Needs Map – Systemic and Implementation Analysis Database.\"])},\n \"project6_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Model of long-term demand for the high-methane network gas\"])},\n \"project6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"During the execution of the project, we identified the main determinants affecting gas demand. We developed a methodology for long-term demand forecasting and based on this, we developed a system that was implemented in R. We concluded the project by delivering a detailed forecast that utilizes the prepared system, baseline parameter values, and quantitative data.\"])},\n \"project7_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Expert support in building a team and increasing competence in the area of predictive models (Data Analytics)\"])},\n \"project7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"In the project, we focused on defining the profiles of key team members and the software necessary for data management and building predictive models. Based on these, we were able to determine development scenarios, create an implementation plan, and propose an appropriate timeline for the work being conducted.\"])},\n \"project8_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A range of R&D projects and grants\"])},\n \"project8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Members of our team participated in many processes for acquiring and executing research projects funded by public sources. These projects included topics in operations research (i.e., simulation, optimization, forecasting) using modern machine learning methods in decision-making processes. The total budget of the projects in which we supported our clients exceeds 100 million PLN.\"])},\n \"project_expand\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Click for details\"])}\n },\n \"OurTechnologies\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Technologies\"])},\n \"languages_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programing languages\"])},\n \"languages_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"as well as
C, C#, LaTeX, JS, PHP, C++, Matlab, R, Kotlin, Julia, Fortran, CSS, HTML\"])},\n \"db_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Databases\"])},\n \"db_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"as well as
PostgreSQL, H2, mySQL, Microsoft SQL Server\"])},\n \"frameworks_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Frameworks\"])},\n \"frameworks_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"as well as
Spring MVC, Spring Data, Jakarta EE, Junit 5, Django, Selenium, Cypres, Vue.js\"])},\n \"data_processing\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data Processing\"])},\n \"visualizations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Visualizations\"])},\n \"forecast\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Forecast\"])},\n \"simulations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Simulations\"])},\n \"optimization\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Optimization\"])},\n \"sql\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"SQL\"])},\n \"r\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R\"])},\n \"r_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R - dashboards\"])},\n \"python\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python\"])},\n \"python_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python - dashboards\"])},\n \"lib_machine_learning\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Machine learning libraries\"])},\n \"sym_monte_carlo\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Monte Carlo simulations\"])},\n \"sym_multi-agent\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Multi-agent simulations\"])},\n \"prog_linear_int\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Linear programming and integer programming\"])},\n \"opt_engines\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Optimization engines\"])},\n \"partnership\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Strategic partnership\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Scensei\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are a strategic partner of the Swiss company Scensei GmbH, which operates in the defence software market. Together with Scensei, we are developing the OPTIMA product, which enables the analysis of generative scenarios for defensive operations through multi-agent simulations based on artificial intelligence models. These simulations allow for the analysis of interactions between ground, air, and defence and electronic warfare systems, making decisions within a command and control network.\"])}\n },\n \"OurTeam\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Our team\"])},\n \"experts\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Expert Team\"])},\n \"operationals\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Operational Team\"])},\n \"worker0\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Daniel Kaszyński\"])},\n \"worker0_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Project management\"])},\n \"worker0_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Consultant in the area of analytical models with ten years of experience. He has supported the world's largest banks in the implementation of algorithms and risk management models. Daniel has been teaching analytical methods at SGH for many years.\"])},\n \"worker1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Urszula Białończyk\"])},\n \"worker1_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis\\nMachine learning\"])},\n \"worker1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The analyst specializing in big data analysis and predictive modelling. In her career, she has worked on issues related to medicine, transportation and banking. PhD candidate at the PAN working on medical database modelling.\"])},\n \"worker2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Pieciul\"])},\n \"worker2_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis\\nTeam management\"])},\n \"worker2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A business analyst with experience in migrating data from a large IT system, and an enthusiast of IoT solutions and logic puzzles. Dawid, with his conceptual approach, can find optimal solutions to various problems.\"])},\n \"worker3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jakub Kot\"])},\n \"worker3_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Graphic design\\nData analysis\"])},\n \"worker3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A practitioner in the e-commerce industry, he has spent years working extensively on the modernization of sales processes from the perspective of a commercial client. On the workshop side, Kuba is also a graphic designer, experienced in the field of creating usable materials, UX and UI design.\"])},\n \"worker4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej Fender\"])},\n \"worker4_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nCloud technologies\"])},\n \"worker4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej is a back-end developer specializing in multi-agent simulations. In business, he focuses on designing, creating, optimizing, and implementing software. Additionally, Maciej is interested in cloud solutions and administration.\"])},\n \"worker5\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Dmitruk\"])},\n \"worker5_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nSymulacje wieloagentowe\"])},\n \"worker5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Java developer with experience in the development of both web applications and multi-agent simulations. In his work, he pays special attention to the quality of the code and ensures that it is optimized.\"])},\n \"worker6\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej Busłowski\"])},\n \"worker6_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nData migration\"])},\n \"worker6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej is a front-end developer with extensive experience as a database programmer for a large IT system and as a business analyst. He has also led a small development team. His versatile technical and analytical skills enable him to create intuitive and efficient front-end solutions.\"])},\n \"worker7\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Agnieszka Rabiej\"])},\n \"worker7_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis\\nMachine learning\"])},\n \"worker7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A business analyst collaborating with companies in the energy, media, and FMCG sectors. She specializes in comprehensive data analysis and modelling, utilizing ML and AI to support business processes.\"])},\n \"worker8\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan Ulianowski\"])},\n \"worker8_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Front-end development\\nBack-end development\"])},\n \"worker8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan is involved in the process of software development and implementation. He gained experience in creating optimization solutions for banking clients. He is interested in IoT-related topics.\"])},\n \"worker9\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Kamil Kulesza\"])},\n \"worker9_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis\\nMachine learning\"])},\n \"worker9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A data analyst specializing in information processing, building analytical models, and automating processes. He is interested in practical applications of statistics and machine learning.\"])},\n \"worker10\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Magdalena Korecka\"])},\n \"worker10_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Graphic design\\nFront-end development\"])},\n \"worker10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A graphic designer and front-end developer. She has experience in creating websites and designing business and advertising materials.\"])},\n \"worker11\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Łukasz Terpiłowski\"])},\n \"worker11_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nFront-end development\"])},\n \"worker11_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A Full-Stack developer with experience in React, JavaScript, Java, and Python. Łukasz has worked on adapting a large language model (LLM) for specific applications.\"])},\n \"worker12\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr Średnicki\"])},\n \"worker12_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nFront-end development\"])},\n \"worker12_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python, C, C++, and C# programmer. He has been involved in the development of web and window applications. Piotr is a student of computer science at Bialystok University of Technology.\"])},\n \"worker13\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena Święcka\"])},\n \"worker13_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nData migration\"])},\n \"worker13_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena is a Data Governance specialist with extensive experience as a database programmer for a large IT system and as a business analyst. She also has experience in front-end programming. In her applications, Milena focuses on the quality of the software being developed.\"])},\n \"worker14\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Krzysztof Funkowski\"])},\n \"worker14_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nData migration\"])},\n \"worker14_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A Full-Stack developer and database programmer with extensive experience as a database developer for a large IT system. Krzysztof also has experience in creating web applications.\"])},\n \"worker15\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Ewelina Kędzior\"])},\n \"worker15_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Data analysis\\nMachine learning\"])},\n \"worker15_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A programmer in Python and C#. She specializes in comprehensive data analysis and modelling. Ewelina is also a data analyst with an interest in the development of optimization algorithms.\"])},\n \"worker16\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr Romaniuk\"])},\n \"worker16_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Back-end development\\nMachine learning\"])},\n \"worker16_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr has experience in multiple programming languages (Java, Python, C#, and C++). He has worked with backend technologies, machine learning, and computer game engines.\"])},\n \"worker17\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Michał Ciupa\"])},\n \"worker17_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Front-end development\"])},\n \"worker17_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A programmer with experience in TypeScript, JavaScript, and MongoDB. Michał has been involved in developing web applications.\"])},\n \"worker18\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit Jakuczun\"])},\n \"worker18_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Board Advisor\"])},\n \"worker18_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit advises data science teams at the management layer. He specializes in combining operations research (constraint programming, mixed integer programming, and metaheuristics) with predictive models to deliver decision-support solutions.\"])}\n },\n \"ContactUs\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Contact us!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Do you need help in development of your business? Are you looking for interesting ventures? Would you like to get to know us better? Contact us!\"])},\n \"company_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Head office:\"])},\n \"company_headline_mail\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-mail:\"])},\n \"company_address\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"ul. Żurawia 71
15-540 Bialystok
Poland\"])},\n \"company_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Phone:\"])},\n \"company_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-mail:\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your e-mail...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your contact number...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter the subject of the message...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your message...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Send\"])},\n \"recruitment_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Do you want to join us?\"])},\n \"recruitment_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"We are actively recruiting.\"])},\n \"recruitment_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Recruitment offer\"])}\n },\n \"WebFooter\": {\n \"policy\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"DS360 sp. z o. o. - All rights reserved\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeRecruitment\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Join
DS360!\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeOffer\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"What do we offer?\"])},\n \"offer1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Interesting international projects (i.a. optimization, multi-agent simulations)\"])},\n \"offer2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Cooperation with scientists from the largest Polish universities\"])},\n \"offer3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Paid internship and flexible working hours\"])},\n \"offer4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opportunities to learn and grow\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeWant\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"What do we require?\"])},\n \"want1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Knowledge of Javy or Pythona\"])},\n \"want2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Interest in the Machine Learning related topics\"])},\n \"want3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Knowledge of GIT\"])},\n \"want4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Open mind and willingness to learn\"])}\n },\n \"SendCV\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Determined?\"])},\n \"desc1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Do you want to start working with us and you are interested in joint development? Fill out the form and email us or send your resume to the provided email. We will respond to you soon.\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your e-mail...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your contact number...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter the subject of your message...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Enter your message...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Send\"])},\n \"upload\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Attach CV\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeCrypto\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 will allow you to better analyze, gether knowledge and invest in the most popular cryptocurrencies. Track the profit and loss balance of your investments. View the latest proprietary and trusted analysis of the largest portfolios.\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoScreens\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Check out how it looks!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Thanks to its clear form, CryptoDS360 allows users to easily switch between sections. It is an easy-to-use application that will come in handy for any person who cares about constant control of their cryptocurrency wallet.\"])},\n \"swipe\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Swipe to see more\"])},\n \"turn_on\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Turn on dark mode\"])},\n \"turn_off\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Turn off dark mode\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoFeatures\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Features of the application\"])},\n \"feature1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Price graphs\"])},\n \"feature1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The latest price data on selected cryptocurrencies\"])},\n \"feature2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Account transactions\"])},\n \"feature2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"List of transactions of selected accounts\"])},\n \"feature3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"A chart of the day's transactions\"])},\n \"feature3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The number of transactions performed on a given day\"])},\n \"feature4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Original blockchain analysis\"])},\n \"feature4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Conversion of raw blockchain data into a transparent form\"])},\n \"feature5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Original API\"])},\n \"feature5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Our experts provide an accurate and reliable source of data\"])}\n },\n \"ErrorPage\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Press the button below to return to the home page.\"])},\n \"button\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Home page\"])}\n },\n \"Alerts\": {\n \"success_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Message sent!\"])},\n \"success_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Thank you, for your e-mail. Soon our consultant will reply to your message :)\"])},\n \"error_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"An error has occurred!\"])},\n \"error_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sorry, there was an error while sending the message.\"])},\n \"success_sendcv_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Thank you, for participating in the recruitment. Expect to hear back from you ;)\"])},\n \"bad_validation_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Invalid data!\"])},\n \"bad_validation_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Check the data entered in the form again.\"])},\n \"copy_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Adress copied!\"])},\n \"copy_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Contact e-mail was copied to your clipboard.\"])}\n },\n \"Validation\": {\n \"empty\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"This field cannot be empty!\"])},\n \"email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Incorrect e-mail format!\"])},\n \"phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"The number should contain only digits!\"])}\n }\n}","export default {\n \"NavHeader\": {\n \"sectors\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Obszary\"])},\n \"projects\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekty\"])},\n \"technologies\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Technologie\"])},\n \"team\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsShort\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Szersze
na Data Science\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Realizujemy projekty związane ze Sztuczną Inteligencją end-to-end. Zajmujemy się pełnym cyklem życia modelu, od pozyskania i analizy danych, poprzez wdrożenie i monitorowanie produkcyjnego działania modelu. W naszej pracy łączymy najlepsze praktyki z dwóch światów: dynamicznego sektora komercyjnego oraz rygorystycznych standardów akademickich. Dzięki temu dostarczamy rozwiązania, które nie tylko spełniają oczekiwania biznesowe, ale także są oparte na metodach naukowych.\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsLong\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"O nas\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jesteśmy zespołem ekspertów z pasją do całej branży IT i ML. W naszej pracy wykorzystujemy najnowsze technologie i niebanalne rozwiązania. Doradzamy firmom z całego świata, rozwijamy oprogramowanie, w którym pracują i sprawiamy, że robią to lepiej. Nie stoimy w miejscu, ciągle działamy i otwieramy się na innowacje. Jesteśmy zgranym zespołem i chcemy, żebyś stał się jednym z nas.\"])}\n },\n \"OurSectors\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Obszary, w których działamy\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Stanowimy zespół ekspertów specjalizujący się w rozwiązanych wykorzystujących Machine Learning. Realizujemy podejście end-to-end obejmujące pełny cykl życia projektu Data Science: od zbierania danych, poprzez ich przetwarzanie, analizę, modelowanie, aż po wdrożenie i monitorowanie wyników. W naszej pracy wykorzystujemy najnowsze technologie, aby dostarczać naszym klientom produkty najwyższej jakości. Świadczymy usługi doradcze firmom z całego świata. Jesteśmy dynamiczni i otwarci na innowacje.\"])},\n \"sector1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wdrażanie modeli AI w organizacjach\"])},\n \"sector1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Integrujemy zaawansowane modele AI w procesy organizacji, pomagając firmom w pełni wykorzystać potencjał sztucznej inteligencji. Nasze usługi obejmują dostosowanie modeli do specyficznych potrzeb biznesowych, szkolenie zespołów oraz zapewnienie ciągłego wsparcia w zakresie monitorowania i optymalizacji. Efektywne wdrożenie AI, w naszej ocenie musi uwzględniać: ludzi, procesy i technologie.\"])},\n \"sector2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Modelowanie\"])},\n \"sector2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Posiadamy kompetencje w obszarze optymalizacji matematycznej, symulacji oraz modeli prognostycznych, które wykorzystywane są przez naszych klientów w ich działalności gospodarczej. W zależności od kontekstu potrzeb klienta, dostarczamy szyte na miarę rozwiązania sztucznej inteligencji wspierającej procesy planistyczne organizacji (np. optymalizacja logistyki, symulacyjne scenariusze What-if lub prognoza popytu dla sektora retail).\"])},\n \"sector3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\"])},\n \"sector3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zbieramy, przetwarzamy i analizujemy dane z wykorzystaniem algorytmów, narzędzi statystycznych oraz technik Machine Learning. Nasze podejście obejmuje eksplorację danych, identyfikację wzorców oraz tworzenie modeli predykcyjnych, które dostarczają spersonalizowanych insightów i rekomendacji. Wspieramy naszych klientów w przejściu: dane, prawidłowość, decyzja. Przekształcamy często surowe dane produkcyjne w użyteczne informacje, które wspierają procesy decyzyjne na każdym szczeblu funkcjonowania organizacji.\"])},\n \"sector4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jakość danych\"])},\n \"sector4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekty w obszarze utrzymania jakości danych skupiają się na kompleksowym przetwarzaniu i analizie informacji, co umożliwia naszym klientom skupienie się na najważniejszych aspektach ich działalności. Stosujemy techniki walidacji, czyszczenia i wzbogacania danych, aby zapewnić ich integralność i wiarygodność. Dzięki tym zabiegom nasi klienci mogą pracować na spójnych, kompletnych i wiarygodnych danych wykorzystywanych w bieżącym zarządzaniu i strategicznym planowaniu.\"])}\n },\n \"OurProjects\": {\n \"reference\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Referencja\"])},\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Nasze projekty\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Doświadczenie przekuwamy w sukces naszych klientów.\"])},\n \"number1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"27\"])},\n \"number1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"projektów klienckich\"])},\n \"number2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"6\"])},\n \"number2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"projektów badawczych\"])},\n \"number3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"30\"])},\n \"number3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"mln budżetu\"])},\n \"crypto_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"crypto_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 to narzędzie do analizy twoich zysków i strat. Pozwala ono śledzić aktywności największych kont jak i przeglądanie szerokiej gamy statystyk.\"])},\n \"crypto_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dowiedz się więcej\"])},\n \"project1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opracowanie algorytmu trendu i predykcji\"])},\n \"project1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt związany z opracowaniem oprogramowania wykorzystującego algorytmy do wyceny nieruchomości. W ramach projektu opracowywane były algorytmy trendów rynkowych, prognozy ceny nieruchomości jako formy zabezpieczenia (np. kredyt hipoteczny). Prace modelarskie realizowaliśmy w Javie przy wykorzystaniu Spring Data w celu utworzenia mapowania obiektowo-relacyjnego.\"])},\n \"project2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opracowanie modelu skoringu kredytowego\"])},\n \"project2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt obejmował opracowanie modelu skoringu kredytowego klientów wykorzystywanego przez banki. W ramach projektu przeprowadziliśmy analizę predyktywności zmiennych objaśniających, wraz z identyfikacją anomalii w danych (np. problemy współliniowości, nieliniowości lub interakcji między zmiennymi). Opracowany model podlegał – zgodnie z Rekomendacją W KNF – niezależnemu przeglądowi przed wdrożeniem na produkcję.\"])},\n \"project3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Model predykcji występowania szkodników oraz pleśni\"])},\n \"project3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt polegał na realizacji modelu predykcji, które obejmowało szczegółową analizę przedmiotu, zdefiniowanie matematycznego modelu umozliwiającego klasyfikację wieloklasową i implementację algorytmu w Pythonie.\"])},\n \"project4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migracja modelu skoringu kredytowego\"])},\n \"project4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"W ramach prac opracowaliśmy system informatyczny umożliwiający kompilację algorytmów oceny zdolności kredytowych opracowanych w języku SAS na standard formatu PMML. Standard ten umożliwia integrację z rozwiązaniami stworzonymi w innych technologiach – Python, R lub Julia. Kompilacji i przeniesieniu między standardami podlegały procesy transformacji danych, estymacji modeli oraz przeprowadzania prognoz.\"])},\n \"project5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Doradztwo dla Ministerstwa Zdrowia RP w zakresie ilościowej syntezy informacji statystycznej\"])},\n \"project5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt zrealizowany dla Ministerstwa Zdrowia RP obejmował realizację usług doradczych z zakresu ilościowej syntezy informacji statystycznej oraz wsparcie koncepcyjne i merytoryczne. Doradztwo obejmowało obszar Mapy potrzeb zdrowotnych – Baza Analiz Systemowych i Wdrożeniowych.\"])},\n \"project6_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Model długoterminowego zapotrzebowania na gaz sieciowy wysokometanowy\"])},\n \"project6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"W trakcie wykonania projektu określiliśmy główne determinanty wpływające na zapotrzebowanie gazu. Przygotowaliśmy metodykę prognozowania popytu długoterminowo i rozwijaliśmy na jej podstawie system, który został zaimplementowany w R. Projekt zakończyliśmy, dostarczając szczegółową prognozę, która wykorzystuje przygotowany system, wartości bazowe parametrów i dane ilościowe.\"])},\n \"project7_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Eksperckie wsparcie w zakresie budowy zespołu i kompetencji w obszarze modeli predykcyjnych (Data Analytics)\"])},\n \"project7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"W projekcie skupiliśmy się na zdefiniowaniu profili kluczowych członków zespołu oraz oprogramowania niezbędnego do zarządzania danymi i budowy modeli prognostycznych. Następnie na ich podstawie mogliśmy określić scenariusze rozwoju, plan wdrożenia oraz zaproponować odpowiedni harmonogram prowadzonych prac.\"])},\n \"project8_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Szereg projektów i grantów B+R\"])},\n \"project8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Członkowie naszego zespołu uczestniczyli w szeregu procesów pozyskiwania i realizacji projektów badawczych realizowanych ze środków publicznych. Projekty te obejmowały zagadnienia badań operacyjnych (tj. symulacja, optymalizacja, prognoza), przy wykorzystaniu współczesnych metod Machine Learning w procesach decyzyjnych. Łączna kwota budżetu projektów, w których wspieraliśmy naszych klientów przekracza 100 mln PLN.\"])},\n \"project9_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Moduły e-learningowe na platformie Moodle\"])},\n \"project9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt miał na celu stworzenie środowiska e-learningowego oraz integrację w nim modułów tematycznych. Nasz zespół był odpowiedzialny za wdrożenie platformy Moodle na serwer oraz dostosowanie jej do potrzeb klienta. Zaprojektowaliśmy tablice tematyczne, stworzyliśmy autorskie grafiki oraz interaktywne aplikacje h5p, które uzupełniały treści opracowane przez naszego eksperta. Następnie zintegrowaliśmy moduły z platformą, a także przeprowadziliśmy sesje szkoleniowe, aby umożliwić pracownikom samodzielne poruszanie się po platformie.\"])},\n \"project10_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opracowanie systemu wspierającego monitorowanie przebiegu i wczesną detekcję nawrotów zaburzeń afektywnych w oparciu o algorytmy Sztucznej Inteligencji\"])},\n \"project10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Eksperci z naszego zespołu dostarczyli klientowi specjalistyczne wsparcie w obrębie Machine Learning. Opracowali metody oraz algorytmy wykorzystywane do monitorowania przebiegu i wykrywania nawrotów zaburzeń afektywnych dwubiegunowych. Wskazali główne czynniki na podstawie których możliwe było obserwowanie postępowania i detekcję choroby. Na bazie zgromadzonej wiedzy i danych opracowali metamodel decyzyjny sterujący modelem profili populacyjnych związanych z poszczególnym pacjentem. Zapewnili także wsparcie przy ewaluacji działania oraz we wdrożeniu produkcyjnym.\"])},\n \"project_expand\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Naciśnij, aby rozwinąć\"])}\n },\n \"OurTechnologies\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Modele symulacji pola walki\"])},\n \"languages_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Języki programowania\"])},\n \"languages_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"oraz 
C, C#, LaTeX, JS, PHP, C++, Matlab, R, Kotlin, Julia, Fortran, CSS, HTML\"])},\n \"db_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bazy danych\"])},\n \"db_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"oraz 
PostgreSQL, H2, mySQL, Microsoft SQL Server\"])},\n \"frameworks_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Frameworki\"])},\n \"frameworks_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"oraz 
Spring MVC, Spring Data, Jakarta EE, Junit 5, Django, Selenium, Cypres, Vue.js\"])},\n \"data_processing\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Obróbka danych\"])},\n \"visualizations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wizualizacje\"])},\n \"forecast\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Prognoza\"])},\n \"simulations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje\"])},\n \"optimization\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Optymalizacja\"])},\n \"sql\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"SQL\"])},\n \"r\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R\"])},\n \"r_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R - dashboardy\"])},\n \"python\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python\"])},\n \"python_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python - dashboardy\"])},\n \"lib_machine_learning\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Biblioteki uczenia maszynowego\"])},\n \"sym_monte_carlo\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje Monte Carlo\"])},\n \"sym_multi-agent\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje wieloagentowe\"])},\n \"prog_linear_int\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie liniowe oraz programowanie całkowitoliczbowe\"])},\n \"opt_engines\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Silniki optymalizacyjne\"])},\n \"partnership\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Partnerstwo strategiczne\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Scensei\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jesteśmy partnerem strategicznym szwajcarskiej spółki Scensei GmbH działającej na rynku oprogramowania wykorzystywanego w obronności. Wraz z Scensei rozwijamy produkt OPTIMA umożliwiający stworzenie analityki generatywnych scenariuszy operacji obronnych realizowanych za pośrednictwem symulacji wieloagentowej opartej na modelach sztucznej inteligencji. Symulacje te umożliwiają analizę interakcji między jednostkami lądowymi, powietrznymi oraz systemami obrony i walki elektronicznej, podejmując decyzje w ramach sieci dowodzenia i kontroli.\"])},\n \"partnership_new_scensei_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Od wielu lat, wraz ze szwajcarską spółką Scensei, dostarczamy zaawansowane oprogramowanie wspierające rządy w podejmowaniu strategicznych decyzji w zakresie obronności kraju. Nasze flagowe rozwiązanie, OPTIMA, służy do generowania scenariuszy operacji obronnych poprzez symulacje wieloagentowe oparte na modelach AI. Umożliwiamy kompleksową analizę interakcji między jednostkami lądowymi, powietrznymi oraz systemami obrony i walki elektronicznej, wspierając podejmowanie kluczowych decyzji w ramach sieci dowodzenia i kontroli.\"])},\n \"partnership_new_scensei_under\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"OPTIMA jest zaufanym narzędziem ponad 40 klientów rządowych w Europie i poza nią.\"])}\n },\n \"OurTeam\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół\"])},\n \"experts\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół Ekspertów\"])},\n \"operationals\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół Operacyjny\"])},\n \"worker0\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Daniel Kaszyński\"])},\n \"worker0_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dyrektor Generalny\"])},\n \"worker0_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Konsultant modeli analitycznych z dziesięcioletnim doświadczeniem. Wspierał największe na świecie banki we wdrażaniu algorytmów i modeli zarządzania ryzykiem. Daniel od wielu lat prowadzi zajęcia z metod analitycznych na SGH.\"])},\n \"worker1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit Jakuczun\"])},\n \"worker1_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Doradca zarządu\"])},\n \"worker1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit doradza zespołom data science na poziomie warstwy zarządzającej. Specjalizuje się w łączeniu badań operacyjnych (constraint programming, mixed integer programming i metaheurystyka) z modelami predykcyjnymi w celu dostarczania rozwiązań wspomagających podejmowanie decyzji.\"])},\n \"worker2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej Fender\"])},\n \"worker2_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje wieloagentowe Technologie chmurowe\"])},\n \"worker2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej jest programistą back-end specjalizujący się w symulacjach wieloagentowych. W biznesie zajmuje się projektowaniem, tworzeniem, optymalizacją i wdrażaniem oprogramowania. Dodatkowo Maciej interesuje się rozwiązaniami chmurowymi i administracją.\"])},\n \"worker3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Dmitruk\"])},\n \"worker3_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje wieloagentowe Programowanie back-end\"])},\n \"worker3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Java developer z doświadczeniem przy tworzeniu zarówno aplikacji webowych, jak i symulacji wieloagentowych. W swojej pracy zwraca on szczególną uwagę na jakość kodu oraz dba o jego optymalność.\"])},\n \"worker4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Pieciul\"])},\n \"worker4_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych Zarządzanie zespołem\"])},\n \"worker4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityk biznesowy z doświadczeniem przy migracji danych dużego systemu informatycznego, pasjonat rozwiązań IoT oraz łamigłówek logicznych. Dawid swoim koncepcyjnym podejściem potrafi odnaleźć optymalne rozwiązania różnych problemów.\"])},\n \"worker5\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Urszula Białończyk\"])},\n \"worker5_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych Uczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityczka specjalizująca się w szeroko pojętej analizie danych i modelowaniu predykcyjnym. W swojej karierze pracowała nad zagadnieniami związanymi m.in. z medycyną, transportem oraz bankowością. Doktorantka PAN zajmująca się modelowaniem medycznych baz danych.\"])},\n \"worker6\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Agnieszka Rabiej\"])},\n \"worker6_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych Uczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityk biznesowy, współpracujący z firmami m.in. z rynku energetycznego, mediowego oraz FMCG. Specjalizuje się w szeroko pojętej analizie i modelowaniu danych oraz wykorzystuje ML i AI we wspomaganiu procesów biznesowych.\"])},\n \"worker7\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jakub Kot\"])},\n \"worker7_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych Grafika komputerowa\"])},\n \"worker7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Praktyk branży e-commerce, przez lata zajmujący się szeroko rozumianą modernizacją procesów sprzedażowych z perspektywy klienta komercyjnego. Od strony warsztatowej Kuba jest również grafikiem, doświadczonym na polu tworzenia materiałów użytkowych, designu UX oraz UI.\"])},\n \"worker8\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Kamil Kulesza\"])},\n \"worker8_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych Uczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityk danych zajmujący się przetwarzaniem informacji, budową modeli analitycznych i automatyzacją procesów. Interesuje się praktycznymi zastosowaniami statystyki i uczenia maszynowego.\"])},\n \"worker9\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Ewelina Kędzior\"])},\n \"worker9_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych Uczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programistka w języku Python oraz C#. Specjalizuje się w szeroko pojętej analizie i modelowaniu danych. Ewelina jest również analitykiem danych i interesuje się rozwojem algorytmów optymalizacyjnych.\"])},\n \"worker10\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej Busłowski\"])},\n \"worker10_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migracja danych Programowanie back-end\"])},\n \"worker10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej to programista front-end z bogatym doświadczeniem jako programista baz danych dużego systemu informatycznego oraz analityk biznesowy. Prowadził także mały zespół developerski. Jego wszechstronne umiejętności techniczne i analityczne pozwalają mu na tworzenie intuicyjnych i wydajnych rozwiązań front-endowych.\"])},\n \"worker11\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Krzysztof Funkowski\"])},\n \"worker11_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migracja danych Programowanie back-end\"])},\n \"worker11_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programista Full-stack oraz programista baz danych z bogatym doświadczeniem jako programista baz danych dużego systemu informatycznego. Krzysztof posiada doświadczenie w tworzeniu aplikacji webowych.\"])},\n \"worker12\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena Święcka\"])},\n \"worker12_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migracja danych Programowanie back-end\"])},\n \"worker12_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena specjalista ds. Data Governace z bogatym doświadczeniem jako programista baz danych dużego systemu informatycznego oraz analityk biznesowy. Milena posiada również doświadczenie w programowaniu front-end. W swoich aplikacjach koncentruje się na jakości wytwarzanego oprogramowania.\"])},\n \"worker13\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan Ulianowski\"])},\n \"worker13_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie front-end Programowanie back-end\"])},\n \"worker13_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan zajmuje się procesem tworzenia oraz wdrażania oprogramowania. Zdobywał doświadczenie w tworzeniu rozwiązań optymalizacyjnych dla klientów bankowych. Interesuje się zagadnieniami dotyczącymi IoT.\"])},\n \"worker14\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Łukasz Terpiłowski\"])},\n \"worker14_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end Programowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker14_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Full-Stack developer posiadający doświadczenie w zakresie React, Javascript, Java oraz Python. Łukasz pracował nad dostosowywaniem dużego modelu językowego (LLM) pod konkretne zastosowanie.\"])},\n \"worker15\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr Romaniuk\"])},\n \"worker15_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end Uczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker15_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr posiada doświadczenie w wielu językach programowania (Java, Python, C# i C++). Pracował z technologiami backendowymi, uczeniem maszynowym oraz silnikami gier komputerowych.\"])},\n \"worker16\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Magdalena Korecka\"])},\n \"worker16_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Grafika komputerowa Programowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker16_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Grafik komputerowy i front-end developer. Posiada doświadczenie w tworzeniu stron internetowych oraz projektowaniu materiałów biznesowych i reklamowych.\"])},\n \"worker17\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Michał Ciupa\"])},\n \"worker17_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker17_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programista z doświadczeniem w zakresie Typescript, Javascript, MongoDb. Michał zajmował się tworzeniem aplikacji webowych.\"])}\n },\n \"ContactUs\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Skontaktuj się z nami!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Potrzebujesz pomocy w rozwijaniu swojej firmy? Szukasz ciekawych przedsięwzięć? Chcesz nas lepiej poznać? Napisz do nas!\"])},\n \"company_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Siedziba firmy:\"])},\n \"company_headline_mail\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Adres e-mail:\"])},\n \"company_address\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"ul. Żurawia 71
15-540 Bialystok
Polska\"])},\n \"company_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"tel.:\"])},\n \"company_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"e-mail:\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój email...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój numer kontaktowy...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj temat wiadomości...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Napisz tutaj swoją wiadomość...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wyślij\"])},\n \"recruitment_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Chcesz do nas dołączyć?\"])},\n \"recruitment_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Prowadzimy aktywną rekrutację.\"])},\n \"recruitment_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Oferta rekrutacyjna\"])}\n },\n \"WebFooter\": {\n \"policy\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"DS360 sp. z o. o. - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeRecruitment\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dołącz do zespołu
DS360!\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeOffer\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Co oferujemy?\"])},\n \"offer1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Interesujące zagraniczne projekty (m.in. optymalizacja, symulacje wieloagentowe)\"])},\n \"offer2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Współpracę z naukowcami z największych polskich uczelni\"])},\n \"offer3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Płatny staż i elastyczne godziny pracy\"])},\n \"offer4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Możliwość nauki i rozwijania się\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeWant\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Czego wymagamy?\"])},\n \"want1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Znajomość Javy lub Pythona\"])},\n \"want2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zainteresowanie zagadnieniami związanymi z Machine Learning\"])},\n \"want3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Znajomość GITa\"])},\n \"want4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Otwarty umysł i chęć rozwoju\"])}\n },\n \"SendCV\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zdecydowany?\"])},\n \"desc1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Chcesz zacząć z Nami współpracę i interesuje Cię wspólny rozwój? Wyślij do nas wiadomość lub prześlij swoje CV na podanego maila. Wkrótce się do Ciebie odezwiemy.\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój email...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój numer kontaktowy...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj temat wiadomości...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Napisz tutaj swoją wiadomość...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wyślij\"])},\n \"upload\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Załącz CV\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeCrypto\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 pozwoli Ci lepiej analizować, zbierać wiedzę i inwestować w najbardziej popularne krypto waluty. Śledź bilans zysków i strat swoich inwestycji. Przeglądaj najnowsze, autorskie i godne zaufania analizy największych portfeli.\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoScreens\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sprawdź, jak to wygląda!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dzięki swojej przejrzystej formie, CryptoDS360 pozwala użytkownikom łatwo przełączać się między sekcjami. Jest to prosta w obsłudze aplikacja, która przyda się każdej osobie, której zależy na stałej kontroli swojego portfela kryptowalut.\"])},\n \"swipe\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Przesuń palcem, żeby zobaczyć więcej\"])},\n \"turn_on\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Włącz ciemny motyw\"])},\n \"turn_off\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wyłącz ciemny motyw\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoFeatures\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Możliwości aplikacji\"])},\n \"feature1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wykresy cen\"])},\n \"feature1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Najnowsze dane o cenach wybranych krypto walut.\"])},\n \"feature2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Transakcje konta\"])},\n \"feature2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Lista transakcji wybranych kont.\"])},\n \"feature3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wykres transakcji danego dnia\"])},\n \"feature3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Liczba transakcji wykonanych danego dnia.\"])},\n \"feature4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Autorska analiza blockchain\"])},\n \"feature4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Przekształcenie surowych danych z blockchain do przejrzystej formy.\"])},\n \"feature5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Autorskie API\"])},\n \"feature5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Nasi eksperci zapewniają celne i wiarygodne źródło danych.\"])}\n },\n \"ErrorPage\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Strona, której szukasz nie istnieje.\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Naciśnij poniższy przycisk, żeby wrócić na stronę główną.\"])},\n \"button\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Strona główna\"])}\n },\n \"Alerts\": {\n \"success_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wiadomość w drodze!\"])},\n \"success_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dziękujemy, za Twojego maila. Już niedługo nasz konsultant odpowie na Twoją wiadomość :)\"])},\n \"error_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wystąpił błąd!\"])},\n \"error_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Przepraszamy, wystąpił błąd wysyłania wiadomości.\"])},\n \"success_sendcv_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dziękujemy, za udział w rekrutacji. Wyczekuj odpowiedzi zwrotnej ;)\"])},\n \"bad_validation_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Błędne dane!\"])},\n \"bad_validation_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sprawdź jeszcze raz wprowadzone dane w formularzu.\"])},\n \"copy_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Skopiowano adres!\"])},\n \"copy_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-mail kontaktowy został skopiowany do Twojego schowka.\"])}\n },\n \"Validation\": {\n \"empty\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"To pole nie może być puste!\"])},\n \"email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Niewłaściwy format e-maila!\"])},\n \"phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Numer powinien zawierać jedynie cyfry!\"])}\n }\n}","export default {\n \"NavHeader\": {\n \"sectors\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Obszary\"])},\n \"projects\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekty\"])},\n \"technologies\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Technologie\"])},\n \"team\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsShort\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Szersze
na Data Science\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Realizujemy projekty związane ze Sztuczną Inteligencją end-to-end. Zajmujemy się pełnym cyklem życia modelu, od pozyskania i analizy danych, poprzez wdrożenie i monitorowanie produkcyjnego działania modelu. W naszej pracy łączymy najlepsze praktyki z dwóch światów: dynamicznego sektora komercyjnego oraz rygorystycznych standardów akademickich. Dzięki temu dostarczamy rozwiązania, które nie tylko spełniają oczekiwania biznesowe, ale także są oparte na metodach naukowych.\"])}\n },\n \"AboutUsLong\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"O nas\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jesteśmy zespołem ekspertów z pasją do całej branży IT i ML. W naszej pracy wykorzystujemy najnowsze technologie i niebanalne rozwiązania. Doradzamy firmom z całego świata, rozwijamy oprogramowanie, w którym pracują i sprawiamy, że robią to lepiej. Nie stoimy w miejscu, ciągle działamy i otwieramy się na innowacje. Jesteśmy zgranym zespołem i chcemy, żebyś stał się jednym z nas. \"])}\n },\n \"OurSectors\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Obszary, w których działamy\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Stanowimy zespół ekspertów specjalizujący się w rozwiązanych wykorzystujących Machine Learning. Realizujemy podejście end-to-end obejmujące pełny cykl życia projektu Data Science: od zbierania danych, poprzez ich przetwarzanie, analizę, modelowanie, aż po wdrożenie i monitorowanie wyników. W naszej pracy wykorzystujemy najnowsze technologie, aby dostarczać naszym klientom produkty najwyższej jakości. Świadczymy usługi doradcze firmom z całego świata. Jesteśmy dynamiczni i otwarci na innowacje.\"])},\n \"sector9_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jakość danych\"])},\n \"sector9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekty w obszarze utrzymania jakości danych skupiają się na kompleksowym przetwarzaniu i analizie informacji, co umożliwia naszym klientom skupienie się na najważniejszych aspektach ich działalności. Stosujemy techniki walidacji, czyszczenia i wzbogacania danych, aby zapewnić ich integralność i wiarygodność. Dzięki tym zabiegom nasi klienci mogą pracować na spójnych, kompletnych i wiarygodnych danych wykorzystywanych w bieżącym zarządzaniu i strategicznym planowaniu.\"])},\n \"sector10_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\"])},\n \"sector10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zbieramy, przetwarzamy i analizujemy dane z wykorzystaniem algorytmów, narzędzi statystycznych oraz technik Machine Learning. Nasze podejście obejmuje eksplorację danych, identyfikację wzorców oraz tworzenie modeli predykcyjnych, które dostarczają spersonalizowanych insightów i rekomendacji. Wspieramy naszych klientów w przejściu: dane, prawidłowość, decyzja. Przekształcamy często surowe dane produkcyjne w użyteczne informacje, które wspierają procesy decyzyjne na każdym szczeblu funkcjonowania organizacji.\"])},\n \"sector11_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Modelowanie\"])},\n \"sector11_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Posiadamy kompetencje w obszarze optymalizacji matematycznej, symulacji oraz modeli prognostycznych, które wykorzystywane są przez naszych klientów w ich działalności gospodarczej. W zależności od kontekstu potrzeb klienta, dostarczamy szyte na miarę rozwiązania sztucznej inteligencji wspierającej procesy planistyczne organizacji (np. optymalizacja logistyki, symulacyjne scenariusze What-if lub prognoza popytu dla sektora retail).\"])},\n \"sector12_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wdrażanie modeli AI w organizacjach\"])},\n \"sector12_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Integrujemy zaawansowane modele AI w procesy organizacji, pomagając firmom w pełni wykorzystać potencjał sztucznej inteligencji. Nasze usługi obejmują dostosowanie modeli do specyficznych potrzeb biznesowych, szkolenie zespołów oraz zapewnienie ciągłego wsparcia w zakresie monitorowania i optymalizacji. Efektywne wdrożenie AI, w naszej ocenie musi uwzględniać: ludzi, procesy i technologie.\"])}\n },\n \"OurProjects\": {\n \"reference\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Referencja\"])},\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Nasze projekty\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Doświadczenie przekuwamy w sukces naszych klientów.\"])},\n \"number1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"27\"])},\n \"number1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"projektów klienckich\"])},\n \"number2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"6\"])},\n \"number2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"projektów badawczych\"])},\n \"number3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"30\"])},\n \"number3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"mln budżetu\"])},\n \"crypto_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"crypto_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 to narzędzie do analizy twoich zysków i strat. Pozwala ono śledzić aktywności największych kont jak i przeglądanie szerokiej gamy statystyk.\"])},\n \"crypto_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dowiedz się więcej\"])},\n \"project1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opracowanie algorytmu trendu i predykcji\"])},\n \"project1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt związany z opracowaniem oprogramowania wykorzystującego algorytmy do wyceny nieruchomości. W ramach projektu opracowywane były algorytmy trendów rynkowych, prognozy ceny nieruchomości jako formy zabezpieczenia (np. kredyt hipoteczny). Prace modelarskie realizowaliśmy w Javie przy wykorzystaniu Spring Data w celu utworzenia mapowania obiektowo-relacyjnego.\"])},\n \"project2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Opracowanie modelu skoringu kredytowego\"])},\n \"project2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt obejmował opracowanie modelu skoringu kredytowego klientów wykorzystywanego przez banki. W ramach projektu przeprowadziliśmy analizę predyktywności zmiennych objaśniających, wraz z identyfikacją anomalii w danych (np. problemy współliniowości, nieliniowości lub interakcji między zmiennymi). Opracowany model podlegał – zgodnie z Rekomendacją W KNF – niezależnemu przeglądowi przed wdrożeniem na produkcję.\"])},\n \"project3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Model predykcji występowania szkodników oraz pleśni\"])},\n \"project3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt polegał na realizacji modelu predykcji, które obejmowało szczegółową analizę przedmiotu, zdefiniowanie matematycznego modelu umozliwiającego klasyfikację wieloklasową i implementację algorytmu w Pythonie.\"])},\n \"project4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Migracja modelu\\nskoringu kredytowego\"])},\n \"project4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"W ramach prac opracowaliśmy system informatyczny umożliwiający kompilację algorytmów oceny zdolności kredytowych opracowanych w języku SAS na standard formatu PMML. Standard ten umożliwia integrację z rozwiązaniami stworzonymi w innych technologiach – Python, R lub Julia. Kompilacji i przeniesieniu między standardami podlegały procesy transformacji danych, estymacji modeli oraz przeprowadzania prognoz.\"])},\n \"project5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Doradztwo dla Ministerstwa Zdrowia RP w zakresie ilościowej syntezy informacji statystycznej\"])},\n \"project5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Projekt zrealizowany dla Ministerstwa Zdrowia RP obejmował realizację usług doradczych z zakresu ilościowej syntezy informacji statystycznej oraz wsparcie koncepcyjne i merytoryczne. Doradztwo obejmowało obszar Mapy potrzeb zdrowotnych – Baza Analiz Systemowych i Wdrożeniowych.\"])},\n \"project6_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Model długoterminowego zapotrzebowania na gaz sieciowy wysokometanowy\"])},\n \"project6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"W trakcie wykonania projektu określiliśmy główne determinanty wpływające na zapotrzebowanie gazu. Przygotowaliśmy metodykę prognozowania popytu długoterminowo i rozwijaliśmy na jej podstawie system, który został zaimplementowany w R. Projekt zakończyliśmy, dostarczając szczegółową prognozę, która wykorzystuje przygotowany system, wartości bazowe parametrów i dane ilościowe.\"])},\n \"project7_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Eksperckie wsparcie w zakresie budowy zespołu i kompetencji w obszarze modeli predykcyjnych (Data Analytics)\"])},\n \"project7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"W projekcie skupiliśmy się na zdefiniowaniu profili kluczowych członków zespołu oraz oprogramowania niezbędnego do zarządzania danymi i budowy modeli prognostycznych. Następnie na ich podstawie mogliśmy określić scenariusze rozwoju, plan wdrożenia oraz zaproponować odpowiedni harmonogram prowadzonych prac.\"])},\n \"project8_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Szereg projektów\\ni grantów B+R\"])},\n \"project8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Członkowie naszego zespołu uczestniczyli w szeregu procesów pozyskiwania i realizacji projektów badawczych realizowanych ze środków publicznych. Projekty te obejmowały zagadnienia badań operacyjnych (tj. symulacja, optymalizacja, prognoza), przy wykorzystaniu współczesnych metod Machine Learning w procesach decyzyjnych. Łączna kwota budżetu projektów, w których wspieraliśmy naszych klientów przekracza 100 mln PLN.\"])},\n \"project_expand\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Naciśnij, aby rozwinąć\"])}\n },\n \"OurTechnologies\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Technologie\"])},\n \"languages_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Języki programowania\"])},\n \"languages_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"oraz
C, C#, LaTeX, JS, PHP, C++, Matlab, R, Kotlin, Julia, Fortran, CSS, HTML\"])},\n \"db_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bazy danych\"])},\n \"db_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"oraz
PostgreSQL, H2, mySQL, Microsoft SQL Server\"])},\n \"frameworks_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Frameworki\"])},\n \"frameworks_others\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"oraz
Spring MVC, Spring Data, Jakarta EE, Junit 5, Django, Selenium, Cypres, Vue.js\"])},\n \"data_processing\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Obróbka danych\"])},\n \"visualizations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wizualizacje\"])},\n \"forecast\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Prognoza\"])},\n \"simulations\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje\"])},\n \"optimization\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Optymalizacja\"])},\n \"sql\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"SQL\"])},\n \"r\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R\"])},\n \"r_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"R - dashboardy\"])},\n \"python\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python\"])},\n \"python_dashboards\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Python - dashboardy\"])},\n \"lib_machine_learning\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Biblioteki uczenia maszynowego\"])},\n \"sym_monte_carlo\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje Monte Carlo\"])},\n \"sym_multi-agent\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Symulacje wieloagentowe\"])},\n \"prog_linear_int\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie liniowe oraz programowanie całkowitoliczbowe\"])},\n \"opt_engines\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Silniki optymalizacyjne\"])},\n \"partnership\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Partnerstwo strategiczne\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Scensei\"])},\n \"partnership_scensei_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jesteśmy partnerem strategicznym szwajcarskiej spółki Scensei GmbH działającej na rynku oprogramowania wykorzystywanego w obronności. Wraz z Scensei rozwijamy produkt OPTIMA umożliwiający stworzenie analityki generatywnych scenariuszy operacji obronnych realizowanych za pośrednictwem symulacji wieloagentowej opartej na modelach sztucznej inteligencji. Symulacje te umożliwiają analizę interakcji między jednostkami lądowymi, powietrznymi oraz systemami obrony i walki elektronicznej, podejmując decyzje w ramach sieci dowodzenia i kontroli.\"])}\n },\n \"OurTeam\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Nasz zespół\"])},\n \"experts\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół Ekspertów\"])},\n \"operationals\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zespół Operacyjny\"])},\n \"worker0\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Daniel Kaszyński\"])},\n \"worker0_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zarządzanie projektami\"])},\n \"worker0_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Konsultant modeli analitycznych z dziesięcioletnim doświadczeniem. Wspierał największe na świecie banki we wdrażaniu algorytmów i modeli zarządzania ryzykiem. Daniel od wielu lat prowadzi zajęcia z metod analitycznych na SGH.\"])},\n \"worker1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Urszula Białończyk\"])},\n \"worker1_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\\nUczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityczka specjalizująca się w szeroko pojętej analizie danych i modelowaniu predykcyjnym. W swojej karierze pracowała nad zagadnieniami związanymi m.in. z medycyną, transportem oraz bankowością. Doktorantka PAN zajmująca się modelowaniem medycznych baz danych.\"])},\n \"worker2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Pieciul\"])},\n \"worker2_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\\nZarządzanie zespołem\"])},\n \"worker2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityk biznesowy z doświadczeniem przy migracji danych dużego systemu informatycznego, pasjonat rozwiązań IoT oraz łamigłówek logicznych. Dawid swoim koncepcyjnym podejściem potrafi odnaleźć optymalne rozwiązania różnych problemów.\"])},\n \"worker3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Jakub Kot\"])},\n \"worker3_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Grafika komputerowa\\nAnaliza danych\"])},\n \"worker3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Praktyk branży e-commerce, przez lata zajmujący się szeroko rozumianą modernizacją procesów sprzedażowych z perspektywy klienta komercyjnego. Od strony warsztatowej Kuba jest również grafikiem, doświadczonym na polu tworzenia materiałów użytkowych, designu UX oraz UI.\"])},\n \"worker4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej Fender\"])},\n \"worker4_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nTechnologie chmurowe\"])},\n \"worker4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Maciej jest programistą back-end specjalizujący się w symulacjach wieloagentowych. W biznesie zajmuje się projektowaniem, tworzeniem, optymalizacją i wdrażaniem oprogramowania. Dodatkowo Maciej interesuje się rozwiązaniami chmurowymi i administracją.\"])},\n \"worker5\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dawid Dmitruk\"])},\n \"worker5_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nSymulacje wieloagentowe\"])},\n \"worker5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Java developer z doświadczeniem przy tworzeniu zarówno aplikacji webowych, jak i symulacji wieloagentowych. W swojej pracy zwraca on szczególną uwagę na jakość kodu oraz dba o jego optymalność.\"])},\n \"worker6\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej Busłowski\"])},\n \"worker6_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nMigracja danych\"])},\n \"worker6_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Bartłomiej to programista front-end z bogatym doświadczeniem jako programista baz danych dużego systemu informatycznego oraz analityk biznesowy. Prowadził także mały zespół developerski. Jego wszechstronne umiejętności techniczne i analityczne pozwalają mu na tworzenie intuicyjnych i wydajnych rozwiązań front-endowych.\"])},\n \"worker7\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Agnieszka Rabiej\"])},\n \"worker7_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\\nUczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker7_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityk biznesowy, współpracujący z firmami m.in. z rynku energetycznego, mediowego oraz FMCG. Specjalizuje się w szeroko pojętej analizie i modelowaniu danych oraz wykorzystuje ML i AI we wspomaganiu procesów biznesowych.\"])},\n \"worker8\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan Ulianowski\"])},\n \"worker8_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie front-end\\nProgramowanie back-end\"])},\n \"worker8_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Gracjan zajmuje się procesem tworzenia oraz wdrażania oprogramowania. Zdobywał doświadczenie w tworzeniu rozwiązań optymalizacyjnych dla klientów bankowych. Interesuje się zagadnieniami dotyczącymi IoT.\"])},\n \"worker9\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Kamil Kulesza\"])},\n \"worker9_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\\nUczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker9_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analityk danych zajmujący się przetwarzaniem informacji, budową modeli analitycznych i automatyzacją procesów. Interesuje się praktycznymi zastosowaniami statystyki i uczenia maszynowego.\"])},\n \"worker10\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Magdalena Korecka\"])},\n \"worker10_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Grafika komputerowa\\nProgramowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker10_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Grafik komputerowy i front-end developer. Posiada doświadczenie w tworzeniu stron internetowych oraz projektowaniu materiałów biznesowych i reklamowych.\"])},\n \"worker11\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Łukasz Terpiłowski\"])},\n \"worker11_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nProgramowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker11_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Full-Stack developer posiadający doświadczenie w zakresie React, Javascript, Java oraz Python. Łukasz pracował nad dostosowywaniem dużego modelu językowego (LLM) pod konkretne zastosowanie.\"])},\n \"worker12\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr Średnicki\"])},\n \"worker12_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nProgramowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker12_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programista Python, C, C++, oraz C#. Zajmował się tworzeniem aplikacji webowych oraz okienkowych. Piotr jest studentem informatyki na Politechnice Białostockiej.\"])},\n \"worker13\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena Święcka\"])},\n \"worker13_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nMigracja danych\"])},\n \"worker13_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Milena specjalista ds. Data Governace z bogatym doświadczeniem jako programista baz danych dużego systemu informatycznego oraz analityk biznesowy. Milena posiada również doświadczenie w programowaniu front-end. W swoich aplikacjach koncentruje się na jakości wytwarzanego oprogramowania.\"])},\n \"worker14\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Krzysztof Funkowski\"])},\n \"worker14_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nMigracja danych\"])},\n \"worker14_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programista Full-stack oraz programista baz danych z bogatym doświadczeniem jako programista baz danych dużego systemu informatycznego. Krzysztof posiada doświadczenie w tworzeniu aplikacji webowych.\"])},\n \"worker15\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Ewelina Kędzior\"])},\n \"worker15_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Analiza danych\\nUczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker15_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programistka w języku Python oraz C#. Specjalizuje się w szeroko pojętej analizie i modelowaniu danych. Ewelina jest również analitykiem danych i interesuje się rozwojem algorytmów optymalizacyjnych.\"])},\n \"worker16\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr Romaniuk\"])},\n \"worker16_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie back-end\\nUczenie maszynowe\"])},\n \"worker16_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Piotr posiada doświadczenie w wielu językach programowania (Java, Python, C# i C++). Pracował z technologiami backendowymi, uczeniem maszynowym oraz silnikami gier komputerowych.\"])},\n \"worker17\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Michał Ciupa\"])},\n \"worker17_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programowanie front-end\"])},\n \"worker17_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Programista z doświadczeniem w zakresie Typescript, Javascript, MongoDb. Michał zajmował się tworzeniem aplikacji webowych.\"])},\n \"worker18\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit Jakuczun\"])},\n \"worker18_position\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Doradca zarządu\"])},\n \"worker18_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wit doradza zespołom data science na poziomie warstwy zarządzającej. Specjalizuje się w łączeniu badań operacyjnych (constraint programming, mixed integer programming i metaheurystyka) z modelami predykcyjnymi w celu dostarczania rozwiązań wspomagających podejmowanie decyzji.\"])}\n },\n \"ContactUs\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Skontaktuj się z nami!\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Potrzebujesz pomocy w rozwijaniu swojej firmy? Szukasz ciekawych przedsięwzięć? Chcesz nas lepiej poznać? Napisz do nas!\"])},\n \"company_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Siedziba firmy:\"])},\n \"company_headline_mail\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Adres e-mail:\"])},\n \"company_address\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"ul. Żurawia 71
15-540 Bialystok
Polska\"])},\n \"company_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"tel.:\"])},\n \"company_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"e-mail:\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój email...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój numer kontaktowy...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj temat wiadomości...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Napisz tutaj swoją wiadomość...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wyślij\"])},\n \"recruitment_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Chcesz do nas dołączyć?\"])},\n \"recruitment_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Prowadzimy aktywną rekrutację.\"])},\n \"recruitment_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Oferta rekrutacyjna\"])}\n },\n \"WebFooter\": {\n \"policy\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"DS360 sp. z o. o. - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeRecruitment\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dołącz do zespołu
DS360!\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeOffer\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Co oferujemy?\"])},\n \"offer1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Interesujące zagraniczne projekty (m.in. optymalizacja, symulacje wieloagentowe)\"])},\n \"offer2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Współpracę z naukowcami z największych polskich uczelni\"])},\n \"offer3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Płatny staż i elastyczne godziny pracy\"])},\n \"offer4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Możliwość nauki i rozwijania się\"])}\n },\n \"WhatWeWant\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Czego wymagamy?\"])},\n \"want1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Znajomość Javy lub Pythona\"])},\n \"want2\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zainteresowanie zagadnieniami związanymi z Machine Learning\"])},\n \"want3\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Znajomość GITa\"])},\n \"want4\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Otwarty umysł i chęć rozwoju\"])}\n },\n \"SendCV\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Zdecydowany?\"])},\n \"desc1\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Chcesz zacząć z Nami współpracę i interesuje Cię wspólny rozwój? Wyślij do nas wiadomość lub prześlij swoje CV na podanego maila. Wkrótce się do Ciebie odezwiemy.\"])},\n \"placeholder_email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój email...\"])},\n \"placeholder_phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj swój numer kontaktowy...\"])},\n \"placeholder_subject\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Podaj temat wiadomości...\"])},\n \"placeholder_text\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Napisz tutaj swoją wiadomość...\"])},\n \"send_btn\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wyślij\"])},\n \"upload\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Załącz CV\"])}\n },\n \"WelcomeCrypto\": {\n \"mainHeadline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360\"])},\n \"mainDescription\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"CryptoDS360 pozwoli Ci lepiej analizować, zbierać wiedzę i inwestować w najbardziej popularne krypto waluty. Śledź bilans zysków i strat swoich inwestycji. Przeglądaj najnowsze, autorskie i godne zaufania analizy największych portfeli.\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoScreens\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sprawdź, jak to wygląda! \"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dzięki swojej przejrzystej formie, CryptoDS360 pozwala użytkownikom łatwo przełączać się między sekcjami. Jest to prosta w obsłudze aplikacja, która przyda się każdej osobie, której zależy na stałej kontroli swojego portfela kryptowalut.\"])},\n \"swipe\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Przesuń palcem, żeby zobaczyć więcej\"])},\n \"turn_on\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Włącz ciemny motyw\"])},\n \"turn_off\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wyłącz ciemny motyw\"])}\n },\n \"CryptoFeatures\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Możliwości aplikacji\"])},\n \"feature1_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wykresy cen\"])},\n \"feature1_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Najnowsze dane o cenach wybranych krypto walut.\"])},\n \"feature2_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Transakcje konta\"])},\n \"feature2_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Lista transakcji wybranych kont.\"])},\n \"feature3_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wykres transakcji danego dnia\"])},\n \"feature3_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Liczba transakcji wykonanych danego dnia.\"])},\n \"feature4_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Autorska analiza blockchain\"])},\n \"feature4_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Przekształcenie surowych danych z blockchain do przejrzystej formy.\"])},\n \"feature5_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Autorskie API\"])},\n \"feature5_desc\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Nasi eksperci zapewniają celne i wiarygodne źródło danych.\"])}\n },\n \"ErrorPage\": {\n \"headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Strona, której szukasz nie istnieje.\"])},\n \"description\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Naciśnij poniższy przycisk, żeby wrócić na stronę główną.\"])},\n \"button\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Strona główna\"])}\n },\n \"Alerts\": {\n \"success_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wiadomość w drodze!\"])},\n \"success_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dziękujemy, za Twojego maila. Już niedługo nasz konsultant odpowie na Twoją wiadomość :)\"])},\n \"error_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Wystąpił błąd!\"])},\n \"error_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Przepraszamy, wystąpił błąd wysyłania wiadomości.\"])},\n \"success_sendcv_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Dziękujemy, za udział w rekrutacji. Wyczekuj odpowiedzi zwrotnej ;)\"])},\n \"bad_validation_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Błędne dane!\"])},\n \"bad_validation_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Sprawdź jeszcze raz wprowadzone dane w formularzu.\"])},\n \"copy_contact_headline\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Skopiowano adres!\"])},\n \"copy_contact_message\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"E-mail kontaktowy został skopiowany do Twojego schowka.\"])}\n },\n \"Validation\": {\n \"empty\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"To pole nie może być puste!\"])},\n \"email\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Niewłaściwy format e-maila!\"])},\n \"phone\": (ctx) => {const { normalize: _normalize } = ctx;return _normalize([\"Numer powinien zawierać jedynie cyfry!\"])}\n }\n}","\n\n\n\n","\n\n\n\n","import { render } from \"./NavHeader.vue?vue&type=template&id=dc770422\"\nimport script from \"./NavHeader.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./NavHeader.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","\n\n\n","\n\n\n","\n\n","import { render } from \"./EmailAlert.vue?vue&type=template&id=5b2528d5\"\nimport script from \"./EmailAlert.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./EmailAlert.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { render } from \"./ContactUsForm.vue?vue&type=template&id=9f7a1356\"\nimport script from 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\"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { render } from \"./App.vue?vue&type=template&id=01a787aa\"\nimport script from \"./App.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./App.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'\n\n/**\n * Load locale messages\n *\n * The loaded `JSON` locale messages is pre-compiled by `@intlify/vue-i18n-loader`, which is integrated into `vue-cli-plugin-i18n`.\n * See: https://github.com/intlify/vue-i18n-loader#rocket-i18n-resource-pre-compilation\n */\nfunction loadLocaleMessages() {\n const locales = require.context('./lang', true, /[A-Za-z0-9-_,\\s]+\\.json$/i)\n const messages = {}\n locales.keys().forEach(key => {\n const matched = key.match(/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)\\./i)\n if (matched && matched.length > 1) {\n const locale = matched[1]\n messages[locale] = locales(key).default\n }\n })\n return messages\n}\n\nexport default createI18n({\n legacy: false,\n globalInjection: true,\n locale: process.env.VUE_APP_I18N_LOCALE || 'en',\n fallbackLocale: process.env.VUE_APP_I18N_FALLBACK_LOCALE || 'en',\n messages: loadLocaleMessages()\n})\n","\n\n\n","\n\n","import { render } from \"./AboutUsShort.vue?vue&type=template&id=3f6984ce\"\nimport script from \"./AboutUsShort.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./AboutUsShort.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","\n\n","import { render } from \"./OurSectors.vue?vue&type=template&id=41515493\"\nimport script from \"./OurSectors.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./OurSectors.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","\n\n","\n\n","import { render } from \"./OurProject.vue?vue&type=template&id=4d5b3a54\"\nimport script from \"./OurProject.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./OurProject.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { render } from \"./OurProjects.vue?vue&type=template&id=4a8f4d12\"\nimport script from \"./OurProjects.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./OurProjects.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","\n\n","import { render } from \"./UsingTechnologies.vue?vue&type=template&id=543dc644\"\nimport script from \"./UsingTechnologies.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./UsingTechnologies.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","\n\n\n","import { render } from \"./OurTeam.vue?vue&type=template&id=6768cc30\"\nimport script from \"./OurTeam.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./OurTeam.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { render } from \"./DS360HomeView.vue?vue&type=template&id=865ba87e\"\nimport script from \"./DS360HomeView.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\nexport * from \"./DS360HomeView.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js\"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/website/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\nconst __exports__ = /*#__PURE__*/exportComponent(script, [['render',render]])\n\nexport default __exports__","import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'\nimport DS360HomeView from '../views/DS360HomeView.vue'\n\nconst routes = [\n {\n path: '/',\n name: 'home',\n component: DS360HomeView\n\n },\n // {\n // path: '/recruitment',\n // name: 'recruitment',\n // component: () => import('@/views/RecruitmentView.vue')\n // }\n // ,\n // {\n // path: '/cryptoapp',\n // name: 'cryptoapp',\n // component: () => import('@/views/CryptoAppView.vue')\n // },\n {\n path: \"/404\",\n name: 'ErrorPage404',\n component: () => import('@/views/ErrorPage404.vue'),\n meta: {\n hideNavbar: true,\n }\n\n },\n {\n path: \"/generator\",\n name: \"generator\",\n component: () => import('@/views/EmailGeneratorView.vue')\n },\n {\n path: \"/EmailGenerator.html\",\n name: \"emailgenerator\",\n },\n {\n path: \"/:pathMatch(.*)*\",\n redirect: \"/404\",\n }\n\n]\n\nconst router = createRouter({\n history: createWebHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),\n routes,\n scrollBehavior(to) {\n var additional_height = 0;\n if (screen.width < 1000) {\n additional_height = 300;\n }\n // always scroll to top\n if (to.hash) {\n return {\n el: to.hash,\n top: 0 + additional_height,\n behavior: 'smooth'\n }\n }\n else\n return {\n top: 0,\n behavior: 'auto'\n }\n },\n})\n\nexport default router\n","/* eslint-disable no-console */\n\nimport { register } from 'register-service-worker'\n\n//to (if) należy odkomentować, jeżeli puszczamy wersję z tagiem\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {\n register(`${process.env.BASE_URL}service-worker.js`, {\n ready () {\n console.log(\n 'App is being served from cache by a service worker.\\n' +\n 'For more details, visit https://goo.gl/AFskqB'\n )\n },\n registered () {\n console.log('Service worker has been registered.')\n },\n cached () {\n console.log('Content has been cached for offline use.')\n },\n updatefound () {\n console.log('New content is downloading.')\n },\n updated () {\n console.log('New content is available; please refresh.')\n },\n offline () {\n console.log('No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.')\n },\n error (error) {\n console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error)\n }\n })\n}\n\n\n\n// const urlsToCache = [\n// \"/media/\",\n// \"/img/\", \n// \"/css/app.8fef89df.css\", \n// \"/img/bg13.ce8bfeb0.svg\", \n// \"/img/oracle.aec1a4bf.svg\", \n// \"/media/ds360_loading_1.c58eb31f.mp4\", \n// \"/img/d_pieciul.dffdad8e.webp\",\n// \"/img/cryptoDS360.7cc85d08.svg\",\n// \"/img/logo-solo.80f6b162.svg\",\n// \"/img/l_terpilowski_2.7a9eddb4.webp\",\n// \"/img/datascience.109ccd11.svg\",\n// \"/img/boss.924d6430.svg\",\n// \"/img/simulate.cbdac3cd.svg\",\n// \"/img/m_fender.c2619660.webp\",\n// \"/img/d_kaszynski.10745630.webp\",\n// \"/img/software.38a2b56d.svg\",\n// \"/img/m_korecka.4950d94e.webp\",\n// \"/img/analytics.ac1221c1.svg\",\n// \"/img/u_bialonczyk.0dc46cd9.webp\",\n// \"/img/springboot2.4ab887f8.svg\",\n// \"/img/plsql2.39db7edf.svg\",\n// \"/img/crypto_logo_2.1f1c4de9.svg\",\n// \"/img/relations.67756420.svg\",\n// \"/img/img2.7b60c86d.svg\",\n// \"/img/img1.a91e5189.svg\",\n// \"/img/bg14.3991a2ef.svg\",\n// \"/img/gk.c0cf7ba4.svg\",\n// \"/img/python.ea049dd7.svg\",\n// \"/img/sql.a34336f6.svg\",\n// \"/img/java.7c43da89.svg\",\n// \"/img/bg2.cd24703d.svg\",\n// \"/img/bg4.f7da7202.svg\",\n// \"/img/bg15.6ab4b038.svg\",\n// \"/img/dart.9c7a28df.svg\",\n// \"/img/mail.45a61d25.svg\",\n// \"/img/img8.34838ba0.svg\",\n// \"/img/flutter.be6cb28c.svg\",\n// \"/img/img6.bf0cdaec.svg\",\n// \"/img/bg1_1.8a961f34.svg\",\n// \"/img/img3.c2319e28.svg\",\n// \"/img/img7.cb53c9b3.svg\",\n// \"/img/business_office.32be5d0e.svg\",\n// \"/img/img5.1f9f8ca5.svg\",\n// \"/img/img4.b5afbdba.svg\"\n// ];","import { computed, createApp } from 'vue'\nimport App from './App.vue'\nimport i18n from './i18n'\nimport './assets/css/main.css'\nimport router from './router'\n\n\nimport {MotionPlugin, useMotion} from '@vueuse/motion'\nimport './registerServiceWorker'\n\nconst isMobile = computed(() => innerWidth < 649)\n\nconst app = createApp(App)\n\napp.use(router)\napp.use(i18n)\n\n\napp.use(MotionPlugin)\n\napp.directive('animate', {\n created (el, binding) {\n const initial = binding.value ?? { opacity: 0, y: 100 }\n const visibleOnce = {\n opacity: 1,\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n }\n\n useMotion(el, computed(() => ({\n visibleOnce,\n initial: isMobile.value\n ? visibleOnce \n : initial\n })))\n }\n})\n\napp.mount('#app')\n\n\n","var map = {\n\t\"./Carier_prices.svg\": 2860,\n\t\"./Credit_scoring.svg\": 7476,\n\t\"./Data_analytics.svg\": 7926,\n\t\"./E_learning.svg\": 7725,\n\t\"./E_learning_moodle.svg\": 2985,\n\t\"./Guantitative_synthesis.svg\": 836,\n\t\"./High_methane_gas.svg\": 3017,\n\t\"./Machine_learning.svg\": 8489,\n\t\"./PDF.svg\": 7626,\n\t\"./Pest_mold_incidence.svg\": 854,\n\t\"./Plot.svg\": 7991,\n\t\"./Trend_Prediction.svg\": 6216\n};\n\n\nfunction webpackContext(req) {\n\tvar id = webpackContextResolve(req);\n\treturn __webpack_require__(id);\n}\nfunction webpackContextResolve(req) {\n\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(map, req)) {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t}\n\treturn map[req];\n}\nwebpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {\n\treturn Object.keys(map);\n};\nwebpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;\nmodule.exports = webpackContext;\nwebpackContext.id = 9235;","var map = {\n\t\"./en.json\": 3995,\n\t\"./en_old.json\": 9495,\n\t\"./pl.json\": 8257,\n\t\"./pl_old.json\": 7287\n};\n\n\nfunction webpackContext(req) {\n\tvar id = webpackContextResolve(req);\n\treturn __webpack_require__(id);\n}\nfunction webpackContextResolve(req) {\n\tif(!__webpack_require__.o(map, req)) {\n\t\tvar e = new Error(\"Cannot find module '\" + req + \"'\");\n\t\te.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';\n\t\tthrow e;\n\t}\n\treturn map[req];\n}\nwebpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() {\n\treturn Object.keys(map);\n};\nwebpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve;\nmodule.exports = webpackContext;\nwebpackContext.id = 8085;","// The module cache\nvar __webpack_module_cache__ = {};\n\n// The require function\nfunction __webpack_require__(moduleId) {\n\t// Check if module is in cache\n\tvar cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];\n\tif (cachedModule !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn cachedModule.exports;\n\t}\n\t// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)\n\tvar module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {\n\t\t// no module.id needed\n\t\t// no module.loaded needed\n\t\texports: {}\n\t};\n\n\t// Execute the module function\n\t__webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);\n\n\t// Return the exports of the module\n\treturn module.exports;\n}\n\n// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)\n__webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;\n\n","var deferred = [];\n__webpack_require__.O = function(result, chunkIds, fn, priority) {\n\tif(chunkIds) {\n\t\tpriority = priority || 0;\n\t\tfor(var i = deferred.length; i > 0 && deferred[i - 1][2] > priority; i--) deferred[i] = deferred[i - 1];\n\t\tdeferred[i] = [chunkIds, fn, priority];\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tvar notFulfilled = Infinity;\n\tfor (var i = 0; i < deferred.length; i++) {\n\t\tvar chunkIds = deferred[i][0];\n\t\tvar fn = deferred[i][1];\n\t\tvar priority = deferred[i][2];\n\t\tvar fulfilled = true;\n\t\tfor (var j = 0; j < chunkIds.length; j++) {\n\t\t\tif ((priority & 1 === 0 || notFulfilled >= priority) && Object.keys(__webpack_require__.O).every(function(key) { return __webpack_require__.O[key](chunkIds[j]); })) {\n\t\t\t\tchunkIds.splice(j--, 1);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfulfilled = false;\n\t\t\t\tif(priority < notFulfilled) notFulfilled = priority;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(fulfilled) {\n\t\t\tdeferred.splice(i--, 1)\n\t\t\tvar r = fn();\n\t\t\tif (r !== undefined) result = r;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};","// define getter functions for harmony exports\n__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {\n\tfor(var key in definition) {\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {\n\t\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};","__webpack_require__.f = {};\n// This file contains only the entry chunk.\n// The chunk loading function for additional chunks\n__webpack_require__.e = function(chunkId) {\n\treturn Promise.all(Object.keys(__webpack_require__.f).reduce(function(promises, key) {\n\t\t__webpack_require__.f[key](chunkId, promises);\n\t\treturn promises;\n\t}, []));\n};","// This function allow to reference async chunks\n__webpack_require__.u = function(chunkId) {\n\t// return url for filenames based on template\n\treturn \"js/\" + chunkId + \".\" + {\"757\":\"a867304b\",\"812\":\"fcce2ce3\"}[chunkId] + \".js\";\n};","// This function allow to reference async chunks\n__webpack_require__.miniCssF = function(chunkId) {\n\t// return url for filenames based on template\n\treturn \"css/\" + chunkId + \".\" + \"103c7e34\" + \".css\";\n};","__webpack_require__.g = (function() {\n\tif (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn this || new Function('return this')();\n\t} catch (e) {\n\t\tif (typeof window === 'object') return window;\n\t}\n})();","__webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }","var inProgress = {};\nvar dataWebpackPrefix = \"ds360_cli:\";\n// loadScript function to load a script via script tag\n__webpack_require__.l = function(url, done, key, chunkId) {\n\tif(inProgress[url]) { inProgress[url].push(done); return; }\n\tvar script, needAttach;\n\tif(key !== undefined) {\n\t\tvar scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar s = scripts[i];\n\t\t\tif(s.getAttribute(\"src\") == url || s.getAttribute(\"data-webpack\") == dataWebpackPrefix + key) { script = s; break; }\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(!script) {\n\t\tneedAttach = true;\n\t\tscript = document.createElement('script');\n\n\t\tscript.charset = 'utf-8';\n\t\tscript.timeout = 120;\n\t\tif (__webpack_require__.nc) {\n\t\t\tscript.setAttribute(\"nonce\", __webpack_require__.nc);\n\t\t}\n\t\tscript.setAttribute(\"data-webpack\", dataWebpackPrefix + key);\n\t\tscript.src = url;\n\t}\n\tinProgress[url] = [done];\n\tvar onScriptComplete = function(prev, event) {\n\t\t// avoid mem leaks in IE.\n\t\tscript.onerror = script.onload = null;\n\t\tclearTimeout(timeout);\n\t\tvar doneFns = inProgress[url];\n\t\tdelete inProgress[url];\n\t\tscript.parentNode && script.parentNode.removeChild(script);\n\t\tdoneFns && doneFns.forEach(function(fn) { return fn(event); });\n\t\tif(prev) return prev(event);\n\t};\n\tvar timeout = setTimeout(onScriptComplete.bind(null, undefined, { type: 'timeout', target: script }), 120000);\n\tscript.onerror = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onerror);\n\tscript.onload = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onload);\n\tneedAttach && document.head.appendChild(script);\n};","// define __esModule on exports\n__webpack_require__.r = function(exports) {\n\tif(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {\n\t\tObject.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });\n\t}\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n};","__webpack_require__.p = \"/\";","var createStylesheet = function(chunkId, fullhref, resolve, reject) {\n\tvar linkTag = document.createElement(\"link\");\n\n\tlinkTag.rel = \"stylesheet\";\n\tlinkTag.type = \"text/css\";\n\tvar onLinkComplete = function(event) {\n\t\t// avoid mem leaks.\n\t\tlinkTag.onerror = linkTag.onload = null;\n\t\tif (event.type === 'load') {\n\t\t\tresolve();\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);\n\t\t\tvar realHref = event && event.target && event.target.href || fullhref;\n\t\t\tvar err = new Error(\"Loading CSS chunk \" + chunkId + \" failed.\\n(\" + realHref + \")\");\n\t\t\terr.code = \"CSS_CHUNK_LOAD_FAILED\";\n\t\t\terr.type = errorType;\n\t\t\terr.request = realHref;\n\t\t\tlinkTag.parentNode.removeChild(linkTag)\n\t\t\treject(err);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tlinkTag.onerror = linkTag.onload = onLinkComplete;\n\tlinkTag.href = fullhref;\n\n\tdocument.head.appendChild(linkTag);\n\treturn linkTag;\n};\nvar findStylesheet = function(href, fullhref) {\n\tvar existingLinkTags = document.getElementsByTagName(\"link\");\n\tfor(var i = 0; i < existingLinkTags.length; i++) {\n\t\tvar tag = existingLinkTags[i];\n\t\tvar dataHref = tag.getAttribute(\"data-href\") || tag.getAttribute(\"href\");\n\t\tif(tag.rel === \"stylesheet\" && (dataHref === href || dataHref === fullhref)) return tag;\n\t}\n\tvar existingStyleTags = document.getElementsByTagName(\"style\");\n\tfor(var i = 0; i < existingStyleTags.length; i++) {\n\t\tvar tag = existingStyleTags[i];\n\t\tvar dataHref = tag.getAttribute(\"data-href\");\n\t\tif(dataHref === href || dataHref === fullhref) return tag;\n\t}\n};\nvar loadStylesheet = function(chunkId) {\n\treturn new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {\n\t\tvar href = __webpack_require__.miniCssF(chunkId);\n\t\tvar fullhref = __webpack_require__.p + href;\n\t\tif(findStylesheet(href, fullhref)) return resolve();\n\t\tcreateStylesheet(chunkId, fullhref, resolve, reject);\n\t});\n}\n// object to store loaded CSS chunks\nvar installedCssChunks = {\n\t143: 0\n};\n\n__webpack_require__.f.miniCss = function(chunkId, promises) {\n\tvar cssChunks = {\"757\":1};\n\tif(installedCssChunks[chunkId]) promises.push(installedCssChunks[chunkId]);\n\telse if(installedCssChunks[chunkId] !== 0 && cssChunks[chunkId]) {\n\t\tpromises.push(installedCssChunks[chunkId] = loadStylesheet(chunkId).then(function() {\n\t\t\tinstalledCssChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t\t}, function(e) {\n\t\t\tdelete installedCssChunks[chunkId];\n\t\t\tthrow e;\n\t\t}));\n\t}\n};\n\n// no hmr","// no baseURI\n\n// object to store loaded and loading chunks\n// undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched\n// [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded\nvar installedChunks = {\n\t143: 0\n};\n\n__webpack_require__.f.j = function(chunkId, promises) {\n\t\t// JSONP chunk loading for javascript\n\t\tvar installedChunkData = __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) ? installedChunks[chunkId] : undefined;\n\t\tif(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means \"already installed\".\n\n\t\t\t// a Promise means \"currently loading\".\n\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\tpromises.push(installedChunkData[2]);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif(true) { // all chunks have JS\n\t\t\t\t\t// setup Promise in chunk cache\n\t\t\t\t\tvar promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject]; });\n\t\t\t\t\tpromises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// start chunk loading\n\t\t\t\t\tvar url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.u(chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t\t// create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later\n\t\t\t\t\tvar error = new Error();\n\t\t\t\t\tvar loadingEnded = function(event) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData !== 0) installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(installedChunkData) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.message = 'Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.name = 'ChunkLoadError';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.type = errorType;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\terror.request = realSrc;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinstalledChunkData[1](error);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded, \"chunk-\" + chunkId, chunkId);\n\t\t\t\t} else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n};\n\n// no prefetching\n\n// no preloaded\n\n// no HMR\n\n// no HMR manifest\n\n__webpack_require__.O.j = function(chunkId) { return installedChunks[chunkId] === 0; };\n\n// install a JSONP callback for chunk loading\nvar webpackJsonpCallback = function(parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) {\n\tvar chunkIds = data[0];\n\tvar moreModules = data[1];\n\tvar runtime = data[2];\n\t// add \"moreModules\" to the modules object,\n\t// then flag all \"chunkIds\" as loaded and fire callback\n\tvar moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;\n\tif(chunkIds.some(function(id) { return installedChunks[id] !== 0; })) {\n\t\tfor(moduleId in moreModules) {\n\t\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {\n\t\t\t\t__webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);\n\t}\n\tif(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);\n\tfor(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {\n\t\tchunkId = chunkIds[i];\n\t\tif(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {\n\t\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId][0]();\n\t\t}\n\t\tinstalledChunks[chunkId] = 0;\n\t}\n\treturn __webpack_require__.O(result);\n}\n\nvar chunkLoadingGlobal = self[\"webpackChunkds360_cli\"] = self[\"webpackChunkds360_cli\"] || [];\nchunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));\nchunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));","// startup\n// Load entry module and return exports\n// This entry module depends on other loaded chunks and execution need to be delayed\nvar __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__.O(undefined, [998], function() { return __webpack_require__(9319); })\n__webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__.O(__webpack_exports__);\n"],"names":["ctx","normalize","_normalize","_createVNode","_component_LoadingPage","_ctx","meta","hideNavbar","_createBlock","_component_NavHeader","key","_component_router_view","class","_component_WebFooter","id","_createElementVNode","src","_imports_0","fetchpriority","alt","_imports_1","tabindex","_createElementBlock","_component_router_link","to","_hoisted_3","onMouseup","$options","showMobileMenu","_hoisted_5","_hoisted_6","active","$data","onClick","_component_RouterLink","name","type","value","checked","locale","$event","for","data","locales","showNavbar","lastScrollPosition","headers","currentSection","previousSection","starting_status","mounted","document","addEventListener","this","ScrollObserver1","prevScrollpos","window","pageYOffset","x","documentElement","clientWidth","innerWidth","onscroll","currentScrollPos","getElementById","style","top","methods","isMobile","test","navigator","userAgent","current","observer","IntersectionObserver","entries","forEach","entry","isIntersecting","target","getAttribute","ActiveSection","threshold","rootMargin","querySelectorAll","section","observe","index","mistake","indexOf","mistake2","Math","pow","length","classList","remove","console","log","el","add","showMenu","changeLang","lang","setAttribute","__exports__","_imports_2","_hoisted_10","_hoisted_11","href","loading","_imports_3","_hoisted_2","_hoisted_7","_hoisted_13","_component_ContactUsForm","_toDisplayString","sendTrigger","_component_EmailAlert","headline","message","onCloseAlertBox","ref","method","onSubmit","email","onBlur","$setup","formData","$touch","placeholder","required","$error","_Fragment","_renderList","$errors","error","$uid","$message","phone","subject","message1","$props","props","closeAlert","$emit","setup","v$","useVuelidate","alertHeader","alertMessage","emailSuccess","validations","helpers","numeric","async","isFormCorrect","$validate","emailjs","$refs","contactus_form","then","result","text","$reset","copyText","clipboard","writeText","innerText","components","EmailAlert","isSafari","ContactUsForm","autoplay","muted","loop","playsinline","_Transition","isloaded","showLoading","setTimeout","NavHeader","WebFooter","LoadingPage","render","loadLocaleMessages","require","messages","keys","matched","match","default","createI18n","legacy","globalInjection","process","fallbackLocale","_component_AboutUsShort","_component_OurSectors","_component_OurProjects","_component_UsingTechnologies","_component_OurTeam","noremoteplayback","disablepictureinpicture","innerHTML","_hoisted_8","sector","img","h3","desc","sectors","sector1","sector2","sector3","sector4","item","_component_OurProject","title","name_h","titleIcon","icon","name_d","url","link","String","OurProject","tech","main","worker","photo","alt_photo","position","description","bosses","workers","photo0","boss","alt_icon","photo18","show","open","chosenId","currentImage","worker_name","changeWorker","switchOpen","workersId","array","map","splice","AboutUsShort","OurSectors","OurProjects","UsingTechnologies","OurTeam","getElementsByTagName","content","routes","path","component","DS360HomeView","redirect","router","createRouter","history","createWebHistory","scrollBehavior","additional_height","screen","width","hash","behavior","register","ready","registered","cached","updatefound","updated","offline","computed","app","createApp","App","use","i18n","MotionPlugin","directive","created","binding","initial","opacity","y","visibleOnce","useMotion","mount","webpackContext","req","webpackContextResolve","__webpack_require__","o","e","Error","code","Object","resolve","module","exports","__webpack_module_cache__","moduleId","cachedModule","undefined","__webpack_modules__","m","deferred","O","chunkIds","fn","priority","notFulfilled","Infinity","i","fulfilled","j","every","r","d","definition","defineProperty","enumerable","get","f","chunkId","Promise","all","reduce","promises","u","miniCssF","g","globalThis","Function","obj","prop","prototype","hasOwnProperty","call","inProgress","dataWebpackPrefix","l","done","push","script","needAttach","scripts","s","createElement","charset","timeout","nc","onScriptComplete","prev","event","onerror","onload","clearTimeout","doneFns","parentNode","removeChild","bind","head","appendChild","Symbol","toStringTag","p","createStylesheet","fullhref","reject","linkTag","rel","onLinkComplete","errorType","realHref","err","request","findStylesheet","existingLinkTags","tag","dataHref","existingStyleTags","loadStylesheet","installedCssChunks","miniCss","cssChunks","installedChunks","installedChunkData","promise","loadingEnded","realSrc","webpackJsonpCallback","parentChunkLoadingFunction","moreModules","runtime","some","chunkLoadingGlobal","self","__webpack_exports__"],"sourceRoot":""}